Posts Tagged ‘want’

September 15, 2020

September 15, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Are fast sounding words actually faster?
Strategy as Tires: If I don’t ask you what you want, how will iterating work?
Strategy as Tires: If I don’t know the domain of the job to be done, how would I iterate towards it?
Strategy as Tires: If neither of us know the domain of the job to be done, how would we iterate towards it?
Strategy as Tires: Oh, you don’t know how to save a file? Yeah, who uses files these days?
Strategy as Tires: IT has been going digital for eons, but somehow going digital is still innovative.
Strategy as Tires: Does your phone have a buzzword detector?
Strategy as Tires: Slow will be the new fast shortly. Yeah, slow is faster than never.

August 4, 2020

August 4, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires:  I heard that you engage in passive aggression. Have you ever wondered how your life would play our if you were assertive instead? When you are ready to change, let me know. Then, we can get you some help.
Strategy as Tires:  None of us can help you until you ask for help. We will give care. We will not take care. We can only give you the care you want. The alternative is to provide care without your consent knowing only ourselves and what we would like.
Strategy as Tires:  When it is so much easier to not say anything, not do anything, and to continue passing time without peace or without conflict, we do that. I’m inviting you to change.
Strategy as Tires: Focusing on work, particularly your work, means putting everything away. We dig into our batch. Then, we dig out of our batch. We do that several times a day. While we are away, life goes on without us. That life gets lived whether we are there or not.
Strategy as Tires: Humans happen.
Strategy as Tires: You ran this operation. Your boss stayed out of the way. Then, he went and hired a supervisor under you without input fro you. That made you a boss of bosses. Was being a boss of bosses really that easy? Where you ready for that? So the story went on.
Strategy as Tires: You thought your boss was nuts. And, the new supervisor? Then, your boss retired. You thought you were right. And, you still think that?

July 31, 2020

July 31, 2020
Strategy as Tires: AsIfs should be long done before you act. WIFs should be done before and after you act. WIFs are not based on assumptions.
Strategy as Tires: Please check your data dictionary when constructing your today’s actions with data that might not show up until tomorrow. That variable might be a lagging indicator. Don’t justify today’s actions with data that won’t show up until tomorrow.
Strategy as Tires:  I know I was on a tear to get a system for displaying theories in the sense of synthetic data, but there is much we cannot see just like back when we used datasets, rather than data.
Strategy as Tires:  What happens when the blind that was leading the blind finds out that they, the leaders, are blind?
Strategy as Tires:  Do we really want to find out? Or, was this hypothetical supposed to generate an anxiety attack?
Strategy as Tires: Probability masses have density. How would we discover those densities? When will tectonic plates show up? They already have?

July 26, 2020

July 26, 2020
Strategy as Tires: How much infrastructure will we build to support that role?
Strategy as Tires: How much changes between the user and functional boss perspective? Between the user and the generalist boss perspective? Does your data sort out these three groups of people?
Strategy as Tires: Do all the users in the same roles want the same things? Is there more than one theory underlying the same work?
Strategy as Tires: Only one user disagrees with that theory? That user is aware of another theory. Ask them to write a literature review on that theory. We can do the math once we have that review and have done our own.
Strategy as Tires: That new theory turned up in a new tail. The user kept leaving the application after copying some data. When they came back they pasted. Good catch.
Strategy as Tires: That user never imported or exported anything? We should be looking for that. At a minimum it is a training problem.
Strategy as Tires:  Importing or exporting might mean that we need some other data structures, or support for some infrastructure that we don’t support yet.