Posts Tagged ‘users’

January 30, 2021

January 30, 2021

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Does the application do what the surveys said needed to be done?
Strategy as Tires: Do the users actually do what they said they would do with the application? Do they use the application the way they said they would? Is this a new behavior, or have they had problems using the application in the past?
Strategy as Tires: Do the application tails match the user tails? Is this user an expert, knowledgeable, or a novice? Is this user only using specific parts of the application or all of it?
Strategy as Tires: Do we need to be trained, or does the user?
Strategy as Tires: Are we anticipating our needs or the user’s needs?

October 18, 2020

October 18, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: We need to know if our users hate hold music, and the endless repetition of the ads? Or, all the announcements that interrupt the hold music? Why should our customers listen to stuff, I wouldn’t listen to?
Strategy as Tires: Yes, we will improving our caller’s hold experiences across every unit in our company. Yes, every last one of them.
Strategy as Tires: Yeah, when I think “Every last one of them.” I’m thinking a cash cow sale will happen after the the holiday hiatus.
Strategy as Tires: Keeping it task sublimated is an important goal. It looks the same as getting some compliance to processes.

September 5, 2020

September 5, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: We will undertake to capture the tails of our programmers. They are readers. What are they reading? They are learners. What are they learning.? They are users. What are they using?
Strategy as Tires: When capturing tails, how would you make the elements of production click? How much can SEM tools tell you? What will require analysis beyond SEM tools?
Strategy as Tires: Will you follow the recommendations of your analysis? Will those recommendations be obviously flawed? Will those flaws require additional data?
Strategy as Tires: What have the learning loops decided? What have the learning loop designers enabled? What futures?
Strategy as Tires: Eventually, the learning loop designers will have to be designed.
Strategy as Tires: Humans will migrate under the pressures of job erasure.
Strategy as Tires: Jobs have disappeared. Why are we waiting to create more?
Strategy as Tires: Those waiting can afford to wait. The rest of us cannot.

July 20, 2020

July 20, 2020
Strategy as Tires: Code is codified knowledge. Code is supposed to be the delivery of acquired knowledge in a functional form. How much knowledge did you acquire?
Strategy as Tires: So the knowledge you acquired was from the first user you ran across?

Strategy as Tires: Who among your users can teach the domain? Is that according to the brand new theory or is that according to the theory being replaced by the new theory?
Strategy as Tires: How does the new theory differ from the known theory? You cannot explain the new theory in terms of the known theory? That’s great! You’ve got a new ontology. You’ve got a discontinuous innovation on your hands. So explain it.
Strategy as Tires: You told me how it cannot be explained. You could have skipped that. Explain it.
Strategy as Tires: What constraints do we get to ignore with the new theory? What constraints do we face with the new theory? Does the new theory give us some new area to monetize? So we have some new value propositions that we can enable?
Strategy as Tires:  Well, that’s great, but you threw in another distraction. I still don’t know how the new theory works?

July 7, 2020

July 7, 2020
Strategy as Tires: Today, we have opened admissions to our Professional Dreamer’s program.
Strategy as Tires: Professional sleepers need not apply.
Strategy as Tires: Being a professional dreamer might sound easy, but if it were easy, they wouldn’t have gotten rich.
Strategy as Tires: Worse, being a professional dreamer is a hazardous profession. You can lose yourself in your dreams.
Strategy as Tires: It time to meet a user. Yes, our programmers will spend a few hours meeting a user, one of their users, a user of an application that the programmer built.

Strategy as Tires: The users will tell us about the programmers. And, the programmers will tell us about the users. We met our users in the addressable market, in their distribution. We never met our programmers in their own distribution.


Strategy as Tires: That we will end up with two distributions is not the best way to foster cooperation. It is so us against them. We will have to add the distributions together, and then find the dimensions that correlate.

Strategy as Tires: When we are independent, we are not cooperating. We have to be correlated before we can cooperate.

Strategy as Tires: Looking at the long tails of the jobs to be done, the programmer has one tail, and the user has another one. They share, and then they don’t.
Strategy as Tires: When the long tails diverge, implicit knowledge won. A mistake was made.

June 26, 2020

June 26, 2020

Revisions appear in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: So you find yourself in a recessionary market? Go with value-basing. Burst your offer into smaller almost single “jobs to be done” units of use. Price each unit of use. Market the value of each of those. Package those units to meet the price the prospect can pay. Sell other units later.
Strategy as Tires: If the prospect has not realized the value of a unit of use, let them wait. Sell them only those things that the prospect understands the value of.
Strategy as Tires: When we built the software, the early adopter understood the value of each deliverable and was induced to fund the next deliverable by understanding the value of that next deliverable. We sold the value.
Strategy as Tires: We sold value back in the day. Do it again.
Strategy as Tires: Product-led growth (PLG) is similar. We market the group functionality to convinced users. Those users convince the enterprise. Users don’t have budgets.
Strategy as Tires: Product-led growth means that how much our users get paid matters. Be mindful here. Is the next job to be done significant enough to drive a user to get a budget from their employer?
Strategy as Tires: With product-led growth or otherwise, getting our users promoted is in our best interest.
Strategy as Tires: Thanks to all of you that closed a value-based deal today.

May 9, 2020

May 9, 2020

Edited and rewritten on 6/5/2020 to convert content to tweets and wrote some new content.

Strategy as Tires: People that use our software love to do what our software is supposed to do. They spent years in school learning what they do as professionals.
Strategy as Tires: It always remains to be seen whether software actually does what users do.
Strategy as Tires: Do not bend, fold, or mutilate users, or people.
Strategy as Tires: Amateur-level software bends, folds, and mutilates. Know more, code less.

April 3, 2020

April 3, 2020

Reformatted on 6/17/2020.

Strategy as Tires: Are those we ask questions of or capture click screens from gaining as much as we do? When we are on the same page with them, do we both gain?
Strategy as Tires: When in multi-sided markets, do all of us gain?
Strategy as Tires: When we use, in a group context, does the group gain as well as the individuals in that group?
Strategy as Tires: How much of what the users do has to be done?

March 13, 2020

March 13, 2020

Reformatted on 6/22/2020.

Strategy as Tires: Fred Brooks told us that a tool is only as successful as the user that uses it. We see to that user’s success, that user’s boss’ success, that user’s company’s success.
Strategy as Tires: You as one of our developers only have to ensure the success of that user.

January 13, 2020

January 13, 2020

Reformatted on 6/25/2020.

Strategy as Tires: So you were the calendar attendant at the law firm you used to work at? You would know what a microprocessor feels like while it waits for its next instruction.
Strategy as Tires: And, you know what it would be like for a lawyer handling some software company’s binding arbitration agreements with their users. Our users? Never.