Posts Tagged ‘theory’

November 13, 2020

November 13, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: See Explosion on LinkedIn.
Strategy as Tires: Last night, some consultants sent me a definition of innovation. “Innovation is the process of discovering customers’ unmet needs.” No, it is not! Not here. You cannot sell a discontinuous innovation if that innovation does not serve the current jobs to be done.  
Strategy as Tires: I sound so NIMBY.
Strategy as Tires: Kuhn’s normal science explores the parameter spaces in the dimensions defined by the theories defining the current ontology. That’s continuous innovation. That’s at the first level of finding more constraint space, but that’s Goldratt. At another level, the investigator bumps into new unknowns. At some point, those unknowns become new constraints consistent with the old constraints, or not.
Strategy as Tires: The constraints contain the generative until the generative creates a new origin to explode from.
Strategy as Tires: Kuhn’s radical science is about finding and exploiting new dimensions and new parameter spaces, aka discontinuous innovation. Parameter spaces are moduli spaces. Discontinuous innovations are those that are based on new theories that are defined in new moduli spaces.
Strategy as Tires: The new dimension, the discontinuous innovation, always involves a new onton, or sortable. Once you have implemented that onto, you have something that you can sort, then you can define the associated taxons.
Strategy as Tires: I will thank that consultant if we ever cross paths. We won’t cross paths. He attends different conferences than I do. So much innovation talk is noise. My employees know better.
Strategy as Tires: There is so much innovation noise. Many people have gotten on board the innovation noise program.
Strategy as Tires: Once you have scienced your way to something previously undiscovered, a discontinuous innovation, then you go find a customer. That customer has needs. The customer’s need does not come first.
Strategy as Tires: Once someone gets involved with some innovation noise, they stop innovating.
Strategy as Tires: Innovation noise is like security theater at the airports. You have to take off your shoes and wade into it.
Strategy as Tires: The more innovation noise you hear, the less innovation is happening. Management works hard to distract.

September 27, 2020

September 27, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: When you averaged your customer and prospect populations, we told you not to do that. So you traded off those populations. For what population do you intend to code?
Strategy as Tires: You seek to serve easy? Is that what your population wants? Yes, that is the theory, but we don’t go there. The population your company serves is quite a ways from easy. Are you requesting a transfer?
Strategy as Tires: So did you find all the lines parallel to the line for your feature? Your competitors are not parallel? Their factors, their correlations, their tails don’t match yours? So competition is no excuse?
Strategy as Tires: So you called the excuse line. They had no excuses?

July 26, 2020

July 26, 2020
Strategy as Tires: How much infrastructure will we build to support that role?
Strategy as Tires: How much changes between the user and functional boss perspective? Between the user and the generalist boss perspective? Does your data sort out these three groups of people?
Strategy as Tires: Do all the users in the same roles want the same things? Is there more than one theory underlying the same work?
Strategy as Tires: Only one user disagrees with that theory? That user is aware of another theory. Ask them to write a literature review on that theory. We can do the math once we have that review and have done our own.
Strategy as Tires: That new theory turned up in a new tail. The user kept leaving the application after copying some data. When they came back they pasted. Good catch.
Strategy as Tires: That user never imported or exported anything? We should be looking for that. At a minimum it is a training problem.
Strategy as Tires:  Importing or exporting might mean that we need some other data structures, or support for some infrastructure that we don’t support yet.