Posts Tagged ‘staffers’

January 12, 2021

January 12, 2021

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: It’s time for a relocation audit. Are you charging your employees for their jobs? If you’ve done this, you will fix this to our satisfaction. Your annuity participation will end. And, you won’t have the opportunity to make that mistake again.
Strategy as Tires: We make plenty of revenues. Revenues drown costs. You were not hired to cut costs to the bone. You were hired to make plenty of revenues.
Strategy as Tires: None of that is news. Why am I mentioning it today?
Strategy as Tires: If you need to elicit requirements, our ethnography department provides the appropriate staffers, but like all matrix organizations, they won’t work with you unless you work with them. Ask. Learn. Enable. Stay in touch. Do not do it yourself.
Strategy as Tires: If you have to do a technical review, correct any fact errors. Anything else you might do is noise. Making noise just means you can do it yourself next time. Their fact errors were sourced from you.

August 28, 2020

August 28, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Projects build our processes, our organizational capabilities, our products, services, and our technologies.
Strategy as Tires: Products become processes.
Strategy as Tires: People before processes.
Strategy as Tires: The operational layer is a collection of processes.
Strategy as Tires: The technology adoption lifecycle (TALC) is presented as a normal distribution. It is an aggregation of other normals of different populations.
Strategy as Tires: The aggregated population hides much. It aggregates very different subpopulations. Each subpopulations has different needs. These differences order the subpopulations.
Strategy as Tires: The organization addressing one of the subpopulations has specific processes for servicing that subpopulation. The deliverables, aka products and services, are specific as well.
Strategy as Tires: The population view of the TALC is complemented by a process view comprised of TALC phases.
Strategy as Tires: The TALC is served by our organizational structure. Successsive technologies flows through our organization.
Strategy as Tires: Product is the means of fostering adoption of a given technology. Those products change as they flow the TALC. Those changes are a reflection of the change in the successive populations comprising the TALC’s aggregate population.
Strategy as Tires: Each TALC phase has one organization responsible. That organization owns the operational processes that define the flows of products, staffers, knowledge, products, services, prospects, customers. Projects happen here.
Strategy as Tires: It’s a factory. Projects happen here. I’m sure you will find a place and a way to contribute to the vision of this organization.

August 12, 2020

August 12, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Please give those helping you clear and complete instructions.
Strategy as Tires: During the pandemic, everything takes longer. And, mistakes and delays will multiply. Patience and politeness will help.
Strategy as Tires: Use our various staffers. They have been there. Call HR when you need some help. Your manager knows how to find you the help you need. You are not alone.
Strategy as Tires: Asking for help is hard. All of you have explored that problem in your various HR classes. Yes, it is the hardest soft skill.
Strategy as Tires: If you need more contact during your shelter at home service, let me know.
Strategy as Tires: Masks and hand sanitizer are available at the stores now. Your HSA covers them. Get what you need. No excuses.
Strategy as Tires: Care for strangers. Say hello in passing.
Strategy as Tires: Be more personable in your code.
Strategy as Tires: The stores seem to be out of things again. If there are things you cannot find, let our logistics people know.
Strategy as Tires:  Have a great day. Thank you for your efforts.