Posts Tagged ‘products’

October 25, 2020

October 25, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Globalization, internationalization, and  localization are layers that happen after the first B2B chasm crossing. Those layers are realized in your product architecture and your organizational structure.
Strategy as Tires: There is an early adopter layer, Then, we add a vertical layer. Every company in a given vertical is unique. They are different from the early adopter’s company. What works in the early adopter’s company will not be proliferated across all companies.
Strategy as Tires: Layers parameterize the variables within a market. Standardizations happen. Standards establish a set of parameters across some scope.
Strategy as Tires: The technology adoption lifecycle (TALC) is built on phases with their own scopes. Those scopes contribute their phase’s contribution to the desired addressable market. The scope of a given TALC phase must match the scope of the parameterizations for that phase. The layers address a given scope, The layers change as the addressable market is traversed.
Strategy as Tires: Internationally, a given country/trading block crosses the TALC at its own speed, a speed different from that of other countries. Likewise, Every country adopts the underlying technology at its own speeds.
Strategy as Tires: Adopting a given discontinuous innovation includes adopting a different cognitive model with which the jobs to be done will actually be done. This adoption of a new cognitive model requires specific infrastructures available in only a limited number of places. Places are spatiotemporal entities; so are products. Likewise, the organizations that serve products to places.

August 31, 2020

August 31, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Our science fiction writer in residence does not predict the future. They create a future. They make a future.
Strategy as Tires: When we bring a discontinuous innovation to a market, we don’t predict the future. We create products that do what is already done, but under a different set of constraints. We attract people to an emergent market.
Strategy as Tires: Building a future takes time. The first future is the near future that we reach by getting that job to done done. We depart the past. We arrive in the future. We leave a nicely documented log tail in our wake. We iterated across the path with our data collection efforts.
Strategy as Tires: NASA sampled their processes on its way to the moon.
Strategy as Tires: There will always be moments and issues where we’ve departed the normal population. There we will deal with skew and kurtosis. Assuming normality will hide the facts. When the facts are hidden are we writing fiction, science fiction?
Strategy as Tires: We, each of us, writes a story. Then, we get together and play ping pong with the narration.
Strategy as Tires: Under the technology adoption lifecycle (TALC), we cycle. We project. We operationalize. We layer. We might PMO or not. We might portfolio or not. But, we always cycle.
Strategy as Tires: It’s not automatic that we can work with a particular early adopter. We have our gates. Once the early adopter clears those gates, the desired value proposition is delivered.
Strategy as Tires: Most of our competitors don’t cycle. They are once and done. Some competitors do their discontinuous innovation and wait for another one. They can wait a long time if they were successful with their last one. Success raises the bars. Those bars keep them inside.

August 28, 2020

August 28, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Projects build our processes, our organizational capabilities, our products, services, and our technologies.
Strategy as Tires: Products become processes.
Strategy as Tires: People before processes.
Strategy as Tires: The operational layer is a collection of processes.
Strategy as Tires: The technology adoption lifecycle (TALC) is presented as a normal distribution. It is an aggregation of other normals of different populations.
Strategy as Tires: The aggregated population hides much. It aggregates very different subpopulations. Each subpopulations has different needs. These differences order the subpopulations.
Strategy as Tires: The organization addressing one of the subpopulations has specific processes for servicing that subpopulation. The deliverables, aka products and services, are specific as well.
Strategy as Tires: The population view of the TALC is complemented by a process view comprised of TALC phases.
Strategy as Tires: The TALC is served by our organizational structure. Successsive technologies flows through our organization.
Strategy as Tires: Product is the means of fostering adoption of a given technology. Those products change as they flow the TALC. Those changes are a reflection of the change in the successive populations comprising the TALC’s aggregate population.
Strategy as Tires: Each TALC phase has one organization responsible. That organization owns the operational processes that define the flows of products, staffers, knowledge, products, services, prospects, customers. Projects happen here.
Strategy as Tires: It’s a factory. Projects happen here. I’m sure you will find a place and a way to contribute to the vision of this organization.

January 22, 2020

January 22, 2020

Reformatted on 6/22/2020. 

Strategy as Tires: Are we committed to our product, or are we busy avoiding mistakes?

November 23, 2016

November 23, 2016

From Twitter:

Strategy as Tires: Which way is up? Follow the bubbles. They always know which way is up.
Strategy as Tires: No. Bubble economics is not my thing. Don’t learn the wrong lesson.
Strategy as Tires: Which way is down? Follow the lead sinkers. They always know which way is down.
Strategy as Tires: Not going up or down? You’re somewhere in the middle. Nothing knows anything about the middle.
Strategy as Tires: You want to hire some leadership consultants? No.
Strategy as Tires: You want to hire some creativity consultants? No.
Strategy as Tires: You want to hire more MBAs than are allowed in your phase of the technology adoption lifecycle? No.
Strategy as Tires: Anything else you want to ask? Where you supposed to ask your mentor before asking me?
Strategy as Tires: Trying might be trying, but try.
Strategy as Tires: We’re rolling out “a use case a day” across all of our products, channels, and form factors. More dependencies, not less.
Strategy as Tires: So you have a chasm, did you make a map?
Strategy as Tires: So you have a chasm? We have combat engineers for that. We would be happier with proactivity, but ….
Strategy as Tires: We are installing more illuminators this week. Sensors next week. Data the following week. Decisions the week after that…
Strategy as Tires: Yes, we install mistakes all the time. We find mistakes all the time. We never seem to deinstall those mistakes.