Posts Tagged ‘parameterization’

December 30, 2020

December 30, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: What is this day about?
Strategy as Tires: Has a crisis locked you into a mind-to-mind conflict? Did some of your proactivity keep you out of the conflict?
Strategy as Tires: Did you find a parameterization that granted you some vision? Did that intersection vanish with that parameterization?
Strategy as Tires: When we travel, we travel under a succession of distributions. We leave correlations behind. We arrive at new correlations.
Strategy as Tires: Have your factors swapped places? Why?

October 25, 2020

October 25, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Globalization, internationalization, and  localization are layers that happen after the first B2B chasm crossing. Those layers are realized in your product architecture and your organizational structure.
Strategy as Tires: There is an early adopter layer, Then, we add a vertical layer. Every company in a given vertical is unique. They are different from the early adopter’s company. What works in the early adopter’s company will not be proliferated across all companies.
Strategy as Tires: Layers parameterize the variables within a market. Standardizations happen. Standards establish a set of parameters across some scope.
Strategy as Tires: The technology adoption lifecycle (TALC) is built on phases with their own scopes. Those scopes contribute their phase’s contribution to the desired addressable market. The scope of a given TALC phase must match the scope of the parameterizations for that phase. The layers address a given scope, The layers change as the addressable market is traversed.
Strategy as Tires: Internationally, a given country/trading block crosses the TALC at its own speed, a speed different from that of other countries. Likewise, Every country adopts the underlying technology at its own speeds.
Strategy as Tires: Adopting a given discontinuous innovation includes adopting a different cognitive model with which the jobs to be done will actually be done. This adoption of a new cognitive model requires specific infrastructures available in only a limited number of places. Places are spatiotemporal entities; so are products. Likewise, the organizations that serve products to places.