Posts Tagged ‘organizational structure’

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2021

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Strategy as Tires: The hiatus is about improving our organizational structure? Improving our fitness. And, given the fitness landscape is continuously changing, we have to be proactive, and we have to predict and imagine the future.
Strategy as Tires: You’ve been asked to predict and imagine yourself? Have you changed lately? Has your world changed lately? Are you trying to change your world without changing yourself? Are you living in your past?
Strategy as Tires: We’ve dealt with our pasts. We’ve put people into their futures. And, we’ve put our organizations into their future. When we come back to work next week, even if you are still working remotely, welcome to a different future than the one you left behind last month.
Strategy as Tires: Thank you for the work you did to get ready for the hiatus, and for getting the hiatus done. For those of you that pitched in for the hiatus emergencies. Thanks much. The unexpected happened, but you contributed your best efforts.
Strategy as Tires: 2020 was a year. I’m glad that is over.
Strategy as Tires: Catch the new post on the Product Strategist blog, Intersection.

December 27, 2020

December 27, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: So on to the New Year’s Eve celebration. Then, we will be rushing to get the hiatus done. We are ahead of schedule relative to the usual hiatus work. The last of the last minute hiatus projects was to build the hyperbolic and Euclidean splits into our organizational structure. Yes, the processes and the math change, so those need to be encapsulated into their own organizations. The client/prospect/customer people will move, but the carrier people will stay in those organizations as is our usual practice.
Strategy as Tires: The hyperbolic organization will also have to do finite field-based math. A new thing. The lessons on that have been ongoing for a while now.
Strategy as Tires: Further, the hyperbolic organization will have to provide consulting services to the continuous innovation branch of the organization. They will run the “new” portions of the continuous innovation organizations, but only for the hopefully short hyperbolic sample phases of those companies.
Strategy as Tires: The hyperbolic sample phases in continuous innovation companies will be short if they happen at all, because those target populations have existing markets that bring already normal populations to the effort.
Strategy as Tires: But, those hyperbolic spaces happen all over the place. Every tail has them. Unless we’ve let the product get old. Stable ontologies will do that, so we are always looking for emerging theories in the carried content. Beyond the IT horizontal, carrier changes are not what we focus on. Those carrier changes are inbound from demand in the vertical markets.
Strategy as Tires: Catch the new blog post on the Product Strategist blog, Subsets.

December 17, 2020

December 17, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Have you met with yourself lately? Are you setting aside an hour a week where you evaluate where you have been gotten to this work and where you are going next week?
Strategy as Tires: Concerns/AOP is old nowadays. Subjects/SOP came up in our research.
Strategy as Tires: If-less is another movement that translates into the organizational structure of a business.
Strategy as Tires: If-less implements the if condition as a collection of polymorphisms. In the organizational structure point of view, each of those polymorphisms would be a desk, aka the minimal organizational unit.
Strategy as Tires: How many people do you need to perform one polymorphism?

December 15, 2020

December 15, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: We’ve always had concerns. But, we did not organize around them. We organized around functional units and business units. We organized into verticals and horizontals. We got epistemic cultures, aka functional cultures, aka specialist cultures. And, we got generalist culture, aka just another functional culture, but one that captured the priority. Aspect orientation can be expressed in terms of those epistemic and generalist cultures. Or, not, which is a third way, but one that will develop as we go.
Strategy as Tires: Apparently, many of our efforts have involved aspects.
Strategy as Tires: This time we are talking organizational structure, not code structure.
Strategy as Tires: These days many are writing if-less code. Eventually, organizational structure will follow. We’ve already realized an if-less organizational structure relative to the technology adoption lifecycle.
Strategy as Tires: Another concern is finiteness. We have operated on false infiniteness. Finiteness puts different answers on the table in some cases, which is not an if-less concern. Correct or convenient, chose one! No.

December 13, 2020

December 13, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Well, good morning! Yes, that means that a realization last night, has me here on a Sunday, which breaks my corporate-wide rule work about no weekend work, and another breach of initiating new projects during the hiatus, which means we’ve got some huge strategic and organizational changes to make.
Strategy as Tires: You know what I have totally missed this holiday season? Eggnog. I bought a stollen, but I really can’t touch it because of my diet, a diet that ended/suspended my diabetes. American fruit cake is out as well. That leaves me with my tamale order I made during our Thanksgiving Day trip. I need some new Christmas traditions.
Strategy as Tires: It was yesterday’s mention of a predicted double-dip recession that had me realizing that that is an external source of downmarket moves. Downmarket moves involve price and ethnographic considerations. And, the implementation of value-basing. Our continuous innovation division makes those moves. But, now, those moves will be a cross-cutting, aspect-oriented, corporate-wide capability. We have six months to get that done.
Strategy as Tires: We don’t have any cross-cutting, aspect-oriented organizational structures in place right now. We have no examples. Development does have AOP programmers on staff. They will have to teach us COers how to do it.

Strategy as Tires: We should have built an AOP-like organization into our organizational structure several recessions ago. Likewise with value-basing. That should have been an always, rather than a yet.
Strategy as Tires: How many more surprises will this hiatus bring us? Next!

December 10, 2020

December 10, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: We need to think about the business role/layer of our organizational structure. We have defined organizations for each phase in the TALC. The business role defines the specific types of businesses in a given phase. Some phases only have one role. Some have as many as three. When there is more than one role, pick one for a specified period of time. Commit to it. We’ve assumed a sustaining role. We don’t do intentional disruption. And, we don’t hang around to be disrupted. We may not have those roles, but we need to have the relevant strategies, tactics and staff on hand.
Strategy as Tires: We have organizational entities that deal with customers finding themselves being disrupted. But, we do certain things ourselves not to have those problems.
Strategy as Tires: When we create an industry, we are committed to it until we are not. That not is an involved process.
Strategy as Tires: Our sustaining companies are sustaining until they are not. Much is involved in that not as well. Don’t assume you’ll be leaving when we sell the company for which you work. If you are on the annuity program, you are paid from the proceeds of our volatility market participation. The pandemic is forcing us to invest more in the annuity program.
Strategy as Tires: Even companies in the verticals can be sustaining companies.
Strategy as Tires: See today’s LinkedIn post, Neural Embeddings of Graphs in Hyperbolic Space.

November 8, 2020

November 8, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: See today’s LinkedIn post, Adoption Problems of Release Engineering Practices.
Strategy as Tires: Where do your embody your strategy? A strategy is what an organization does as it does. A strategy is embodied in your organizational structure, your people—their knowledge, abilities, and attitudes.
Strategy as Tires: Our strategy is to birth categories, markets, industries, and economic wealth—new value chains and new careers—via discontinuous innovation. That sounds like a lot, but each of our constituent organizations does one thing.
Strategy as Tires: The discontinuous innovation flows linearly through our constituent organizations. Each of those organizations deals with a successive flow of innovations, clients, prospects, customers, and staff: arrivals, durations, and departures.
Strategy as Tires: We have to invest in the organization so that the innovations flow through the organizational structure soothly.
Strategy as Tires: Adding a lane to the bowling alley requires investments elsewhere as well.

October 26, 2020

October 26, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: We built this company to be comprised of phase-specific divisions, so we could optimize TALC phase-specific processes and personnel. We do lateral transfers across phases, but those involve much. Your bosses have had those lateral transfers.
Strategy as Tires: Hyperbolic spaces can surprise us. If we are in the late mainstreet phase, we can define a subset that moves us from spherical space to hyperbolic space. The expertise for working in that hyperbolic space is to be had in the early phases of the TALC.
Strategy as Tires: These hyperbolic spaces have me creating a new division to capture the knowledge and processes involved. The subset will stay in the organization that defined it, but the new division will get the work done. That work will be transferred back to the defining organization once normality is achieved.
Strategy as Tires: Embeddable geometries, the new-new of our organizational structure.
5:10Strategy as Tires: Interfaces. I know—the real work.

October 25, 2020

October 25, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Globalization, internationalization, and  localization are layers that happen after the first B2B chasm crossing. Those layers are realized in your product architecture and your organizational structure.
Strategy as Tires: There is an early adopter layer, Then, we add a vertical layer. Every company in a given vertical is unique. They are different from the early adopter’s company. What works in the early adopter’s company will not be proliferated across all companies.
Strategy as Tires: Layers parameterize the variables within a market. Standardizations happen. Standards establish a set of parameters across some scope.
Strategy as Tires: The technology adoption lifecycle (TALC) is built on phases with their own scopes. Those scopes contribute their phase’s contribution to the desired addressable market. The scope of a given TALC phase must match the scope of the parameterizations for that phase. The layers address a given scope, The layers change as the addressable market is traversed.
Strategy as Tires: Internationally, a given country/trading block crosses the TALC at its own speed, a speed different from that of other countries. Likewise, Every country adopts the underlying technology at its own speeds.
Strategy as Tires: Adopting a given discontinuous innovation includes adopting a different cognitive model with which the jobs to be done will actually be done. This adoption of a new cognitive model requires specific infrastructures available in only a limited number of places. Places are spatiotemporal entities; so are products. Likewise, the organizations that serve products to places.