Posts Tagged ‘needs’

January 7, 2031

January 7, 2021

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: We’ve moved some existing business functions into new horizontals. The people in the organizations that performed those functions are now the interfaces to those horizontals or do those functions in the horizontals. These horizontals are components of phase‑focused organizations. Those horizontals are not cross‑phase organizations. There are no cross-phase organizations outside of headquarters. The horizontals provide specific services to all organizations under their phase-focused parent organization.
Strategy as Tires: I’m still hiking around. Soon enough everyone will be back from their hiatus
Strategy as Tires: Issues are percolating up my office again. Thanks for keeping me in the loop.
Strategy as Tires: Not everything is a CEO sale even if an expensive sales rep shows up insisting on such.
Strategy as Tires: We have our rainmakers. They bring needs to us. Those needs have early adopters attached to them. Of course, rainmakers have sales attached to them, well researched sales. New to us rainmakers don’t know our rules. We have to teach them those rules. That costs us some money, while saving us money in the end. Familiar rainmakers have already qualified their early adopters before they come to us. Familiar rainmakers save us money.
Strategy as Tires: If we have a discontinuous innovation ready to go and a free slot in the bowling alley, we would have to get an early adopter qualified quickly. Keeping our slots full is one of the necessities of running a bowling alley. But, if they don’t have a product visualization and a business value proposition ready to go, we’d be wasting our time and money.

October 14, 2020

October 14, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Who benefits from this use case?
Strategy as Tires: Who was not asked was about their needs?
Strategy as Tires: Is this really a user’s job to be done? Is the user always the administrator these days? On the cloud?
Strategy as Tires: So who is the administrator? Do they know that? Do they agree that they should administer this?

July 26, 2020

July 26, 2020
Strategy as Tires: How much infrastructure will we build to support that role?
Strategy as Tires: How much changes between the user and functional boss perspective? Between the user and the generalist boss perspective? Does your data sort out these three groups of people?
Strategy as Tires: Do all the users in the same roles want the same things? Is there more than one theory underlying the same work?
Strategy as Tires: Only one user disagrees with that theory? That user is aware of another theory. Ask them to write a literature review on that theory. We can do the math once we have that review and have done our own.
Strategy as Tires: That new theory turned up in a new tail. The user kept leaving the application after copying some data. When they came back they pasted. Good catch.
Strategy as Tires: That user never imported or exported anything? We should be looking for that. At a minimum it is a training problem.
Strategy as Tires:  Importing or exporting might mean that we need some other data structures, or support for some infrastructure that we don’t support yet.

March 20, 2020

March 20, 2020

Reformatted on 6/20/2020.

Strategy as Tires: Let’s talk pandemic. Let’s stop the anxieties. Let’s stop the debate. As far as I am concerned, it’s real. The board agrees.
Strategy as Tires: We are still creating wealth and capturing wealth. Our clients and customers continue to move forward with us even as we change our interactions.

Strategy as Tires: Many of you are paid via your annuity. We created the annuity program so we wouldn’t worry about payroll. If you are on that program, it is doing well, and you will continue to get paid.

Strategy as Tires: For those of you not one that program, we have less burn rate because of that program, so not to worry. We are accelerating that program by six months, so if you were going to enter it a year from last January, your transition will happen this July instead. That will reduce the burn rate again.
Strategy as Tires: We don’t rush. We take our time. We don’t leave money on the table by moving faster. We linger. We accelerate into the chasm. We accelerate into the tornado.
Strategy as Tires: We can slow down. That makes those burn rates controllable. So we will always have work even if we close a bowling alley. We can reduce hiring to slow the burn rate. And, we can sell some cash cows.
Strategy as Tires:  It’s simple. Stay well first. Get stuff done as you can. And, stop worrying. Take care of your families. We will survive and thrive–all of us, each of us, every last one of us.
Strategy as Tires: We will see to your needs. We will see to the needs of our clients and customers. And, we will see to the needs of our communities, all of them.
Strategy as Tires: I need each of you to be founts of optimism and support for each other. Staying home is not a threat. It is essential when you and yours are ill.
Strategy as Tires: Don’t bring your politics to work. And, don’t buy from the black marketers. If you need something, ask for it. We can find it. We are worldwide. And, we are local.
Strategy as Tires: Our grocery store has BBQ ready to be taken home. And, if you are home, they can deliver. Let us know.