Posts Tagged ‘layers’

October 25, 2020

October 25, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Globalization, internationalization, and  localization are layers that happen after the first B2B chasm crossing. Those layers are realized in your product architecture and your organizational structure.
Strategy as Tires: There is an early adopter layer, Then, we add a vertical layer. Every company in a given vertical is unique. They are different from the early adopter’s company. What works in the early adopter’s company will not be proliferated across all companies.
Strategy as Tires: Layers parameterize the variables within a market. Standardizations happen. Standards establish a set of parameters across some scope.
Strategy as Tires: The technology adoption lifecycle (TALC) is built on phases with their own scopes. Those scopes contribute their phase’s contribution to the desired addressable market. The scope of a given TALC phase must match the scope of the parameterizations for that phase. The layers address a given scope, The layers change as the addressable market is traversed.
Strategy as Tires: Internationally, a given country/trading block crosses the TALC at its own speed, a speed different from that of other countries. Likewise, Every country adopts the underlying technology at its own speeds.
Strategy as Tires: Adopting a given discontinuous innovation includes adopting a different cognitive model with which the jobs to be done will actually be done. This adoption of a new cognitive model requires specific infrastructures available in only a limited number of places. Places are spatiotemporal entities; so are products. Likewise, the organizations that serve products to places.

October 10, 2020

October 10, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: What can we do to amplify that attitude? What do managers do to dampen that attitude?
Strategy as Tires: We are one big signal processor. Most of our signals are for our own internal consumption. Attitude is a signal.
Strategy as Tires: Without a simple straightforward explanation of the source of holes and asymptotes, we could believe that they come from the equation. But, the equation came from data.
Strategy as Tires: Explanations change. When you add a deeper layer, explanations become deeper long before that depth shows up in the classroom.
Strategy as Tires: Yes, you can work at the current depth. Yes, discontinuous innovation is about a new explanation, a new theory, new constraints, and new parameters. But, your jobs to be done don’t change. Yes, you might engage with those new constraints, and that might make you think differently.
Strategy as Tires: We have to migrate the existing conceptual model in the software. Then, we have to migrate the user’s conceptual model. It might be a long process. When the work gets deeper, so do the economic payoffs. That problem with that one step in the job finally goes away.
Strategy as Tires: Yes, you don’t have to do that anymore under the new theory.