Posts Tagged ‘ideas’

February 6, 2021

February 6, 2021

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Ideas show up as house guests. Hopefully, someone volunteers to house them elsewhere soon.
Strategy as Tires: Your job isn’t to come up with ideas. Your job is to get them housed elsewhere. But, be picky. Their housing will drive your salary for the next twenty-five years.
Strategy as Tires: A new theory will change the way a job-to-be-done is done. Is that job-to-be-done being done under the old theory, the current practice? Does the new theory generate a larger constraint envelope than the current practice? Is the new theory further reaching?
Strategy as Tires: We will be restating the technology adoption lifecycle (TALC) as seven independent finite fields. That should be some useful math.
Strategy as Tires: A closed-ended question encodes its answers in a finite field.

January 28, 2021

January 29, 2021

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires:  See Steve Blank’s Reminder.
Strategy as Tires: Ideas get erased all the time. Have any ideas you subscribed to not only disappeared but were forcibly erased?
Strategy as Tires: Does the erased idea still work? When did it stop working? By what criteria did it stop working? Was that the same criteria under which it worked like a champ? No. Were the original criteria ever held to?
Strategy as Tires: When someone thanks you for the history lesson, do they think they can ignore that lesson these days?
Strategy as Tires: The Datapoint 4004 eventually became the Intel 8080 processor. Does anyone ever say that?

October 21, 2020

October 21, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: The B2B early adopter has already spent time formulating their value proposition. They already visualized a process for achieving the changes necessary to achieving their value proposition. They don’t need our ideas. They don’t need our technology. They need us to get it done.
Strategy as Tires:  The B2B early adopter doesn’t need consensus. They need to achieve their product visualization. We’ve gotten it done again and again. It is not just coding up the application. It is helping clients achieve the value proposition they imagined.
Strategy as Tires: The B2B early adopters have their concerns. We have ours. Ours focus on enabling the early adopter to achieve their value proposition. We have to do this with every release. Each of those iterations towards success must induce further investment. Each iteration must obviously be converging to success.
Strategy as Tires: The B2B early adopter’s value proposition must build an inductive case for the competitors in the early adopter’s vertical to follow the early adopter’s lead.