Posts Tagged ‘HR’

December 6, 2020

December 6, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: HR has a list of personnel who have expressed interest in careers in machine learning. They have initiated our external search for the relevant staffers.
Strategy as Tires: Library science has hired contract librarians to buy machine learning books at local retail bookstores. We won’t buy them online. We want to create a sustainable local market that will serve the community. We will order books at the bookstores. Ordering them online will not build a local market.
Strategy as Tires: We have also contacted the public library funders and provided them with designated funds.
Strategy as Tires: We have contacted the local recreational facilities and provided them with designated funds, so every kid can be exposed to machine intelligence.
Strategy as Tires: And, we have contacted the local universities through the usual channels, so they can start the relevant machine learning programs, and make commitments about research funding.
Strategy as Tires: And, our own art museums and other museums have revised their calendars. There is much to do when the world changes, or when you need something from the world. Sometimes you get to do something for the world and your enterprise.

August 12, 2020

August 12, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Please give those helping you clear and complete instructions.
Strategy as Tires: During the pandemic, everything takes longer. And, mistakes and delays will multiply. Patience and politeness will help.
Strategy as Tires: Use our various staffers. They have been there. Call HR when you need some help. Your manager knows how to find you the help you need. You are not alone.
Strategy as Tires: Asking for help is hard. All of you have explored that problem in your various HR classes. Yes, it is the hardest soft skill.
Strategy as Tires: If you need more contact during your shelter at home service, let me know.
Strategy as Tires: Masks and hand sanitizer are available at the stores now. Your HSA covers them. Get what you need. No excuses.
Strategy as Tires: Care for strangers. Say hello in passing.
Strategy as Tires: Be more personable in your code.
Strategy as Tires: The stores seem to be out of things again. If there are things you cannot find, let our logistics people know.
Strategy as Tires:  Have a great day. Thank you for your efforts.

November 16, 2016

November 16, 2016

From Twitter:

Strategy as Tires: Fewer handoffs? Ok, I’ll call payroll and tell them to like not handoff.
Strategy as Tires: Fewer handoffs? You know everyone’s job? You want to do everyone’s job. Well, I’ll tell all your enablers to stop.
Strategy as Tires: I’m sorry our organization happened to you. We’ll stop. I promise.
Strategy as Tires: Saturday, we’re hosting our last drag race of the year. It’s the race between all the November and December startups.
Strategy as Tires: Well, there are no December startups, since we’ll all be on holiday, sort of.
Strategy as Tires: Yes, this Friday is our annual update your t-shirt size moment. HR needs to know.
Strategy as Tires: Yes, if we expected you to wear real clothes to work, we wouldn’t give you t-shirts.
Strategy as Tires: If you expected to wear real clothes to work, you wouldn’t have taken so many options as opposed to say dollars.
Strategy as Tires: You might think that a single-vehicle drag race would be a drag, but you’re not the driver.
Strategy as Tires: Yes, I know you’re tired of t-shirts. You want something else, but then your people would have to buy clothes.
Strategy as Tires: We do have security features in our products as appropriate. Admins don’t like changing the passwords every few hours.