Posts Tagged ‘holiday hiatus’

December 2, 2020

December 2, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: This past year we had to create our product led growth department. We did not see it coming when we designed last year’s holiday hiatus. That is when it should have been done. This year, we asked each of you what you saw as a potential future.
Strategy as Tires: That we had to play catch up was no fun.
Strategy as Tires: We have outbound futures and inbound futures. We have outbound and inbound strategies. Those things require projects. Routine operations do not require projects. Are we making the necessary distinctions?
Strategy as Tires: See today’s post on LinkedIn, Chaos and Complexity Take 001.
Strategy as Tires: We must have personnel and processes in place when a given future shows up. Or, departs.
6:21Strategy as Tires: We’ve got luggage to handle.

November 30, 2020

November 30, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: The campus will feel empty today. If you are here, you are attending a training or a meeting. There won’t be any coding. There won’t be any product.
Strategy as Tires: And, you won’t be here all day. If I’m coming to see you, I won’t just show up. You will have made an appointment. I won’t be here all day either.
Strategy as Tires: I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Strategy as Tires: For those of you that are single, you might be bothered when the parents show up with their kids. This has been a long tradition. Get used to it.
Strategy as Tires: When your staffs do things, remember that you might be doing that instead. Remember that you don’t want to be doing that. Lead and enable your staffs.

November 28, 2020

November 28, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: For those of you that don’t celebrate our holidays, all I can say is that, it won’t be more than a few days where the best thing you can do is learn a new skill. The holiday hiatus does involve a lot of work. The only thing missing is the ship.
Strategy as Tires: For those of you that don’t celebrate our holidays, you get your holidays without ships or the organizational work that gets one during the hiatus.
Strategy as Tires: We have a chaplins team to help us serve everyone of you and yours.
Strategy as Tires: Change happens slowly. Our organizations do accommodate the new. But, Agile is faster than the changes we face. The domains we serve up its carried content change very slowly.
Strategy as Tires: Some of you find our pace to be frustratingly slow. Come and tell me about it. Positions open in your value chain partner firms often enough. They want to be faster than the domains they serve. They want to lead rather than follow the lead of their practitioners. That is a no go for us.
Strategy as Tires: I posted A View from the Bowling Alley I to LinkedIn.
Strategy as Tires: I continued with another post, A View from the Bowling Alley II to LinkedIn.
Strategy as Tires: And, there is one more post on LinkedIn today, Tornados I, and II.

November 24, 2020

November 23, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Good morning. You did something wonderful yesterday. Thanks.
Strategy as Tires: The hiatus starts this week, so it’s management by thanking around week.
Strategy as Tires: If you’ve got people to thank, get it done before they vanish. Thank them face to face. Yeah, I know, masks.
Strategy as Tires: If you can’t get home for the holiday, let me know. It’s getting too late to get you there, so call me now. If you have a dinner locally, and you can’t get there, call our operator.
Strategy as Tires: I had to talk to my US Senator this morning. Well, that would be their staffer. One senator erected barriers and went so far as to have an unanswerable phone number. Oh, well.
Strategy as Tires: I expect our customers to get a one-call resolution. My problem is different. It can’t be resolved in one call. But we tell our customers to expect a one-call resolution.

November 2, 2020

November 2, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: The pandemic continues. We’ve got a handle on it. I get asked if the holiday hiatus makes sense, given that we are already not working. We still have a reorganization to do, people to promote, people to transfer, a bowing alley to expand, and changes to the technology adoption lifecycle (TALC) to tune our operations towards.
Strategy as Tires: As the computing TALC changes, the quantum computing TALC will replace it. The quantum CIO will emerge, and much will be familiar again.
Strategy as Tires: How long will it take before VCs invest in discontinuous innovation again? That will be how long it will be before we see another industrial age.
Strategy as Tires: When was the last time you thought about your company’s place on the TALC? The dot bust happened when investors did not think about it.
Strategy as Tires: Passive-aggressive behavior does not generate useful outcomes. Not caring does not build products, companies, industries, economies, or countries.

November 1, 2020

November 1, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Thanks for getting your Holiday Hiatus prep paperwork done. It’s due by COB on Monday. Nothing else is due that day. You don’t want to be one of those that haven’t gotten it done. Most of you have been finished for a while now–Thanks!
Strategy as Tires: Clients are coming to us. We tell them to have their rainmaker contact us. They tell us that they want our technology. Their early adopter already has it, and their early adopter is already succeeding with it. Great job! .
Strategy as Tires: Those clients will have to wait until the technology they want goes vertical, which won’t happen until after the early adopter’s period of exclusion expires.
Strategy as Tires: All of that means that competition will arise. We are on our way to becoming an industry. Congrats.

October 19, 2020

October 19, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: We are down to a month before the shutdown. Your managers and mentors will be in touch. You know how it goes. What do you want to do next year? What will your company and departments need from you? What will you need from you?
Strategy as Tires: We will continue to staff the horizontal cloud. And, we will add another lane to the bowling alley. A lot of companies will be improving new processes.
Strategy as Tires: Who do you want to be ten years from now? How can we help you get there.?
Strategy as Tires: This is the week to think about those things. The annual holiday shutdown involves a lot of moving parts. We get all that ready in the coming month.

October 18, 2020

October 18, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: We need to know if our users hate hold music, and the endless repetition of the ads? Or, all the announcements that interrupt the hold music? Why should our customers listen to stuff, I wouldn’t listen to?
Strategy as Tires: Yes, we will improving our caller’s hold experiences across every unit in our company. Yes, every last one of them.
Strategy as Tires: Yeah, when I think “Every last one of them.” I’m thinking a cash cow sale will happen after the the holiday hiatus.
Strategy as Tires: Keeping it task sublimated is an important goal. It looks the same as getting some compliance to processes.

January 4, 2020

January 4, 2020

Rewrote content into individual tweets, and added content from 5/30/2020.

Strategy as Tires: I can’t wait to get back to work. I need a holiday from the hiatus.
Strategy as Tires: I spent the day answering calls at one of our technical support call centers. They never do a holiday hiatus.
Strategy as Tires:  Our users don’t do a holiday hiatus either. They call technical support to teach us things.

Strategy as Tires: You, the technical support person, think you know how to use our applications, their applications, but our technical support callers will convince you that you don’t know.
Strategy as Tires: Before Agile, we, the software industry, used to build applications, and then, teach users how to use them.
Strategy as Tires: That was backwards, but most of what we sold was carrier technologies, so it worked. Nobody noticed.
Strategy as Tires: But these days, that historic process is seen as really backwards. We are telling users how to do what they already know how to do.
Strategy as Tires: The employer of users are paying us to teach users how to do what they already know how to do. They know the carried content of the software. We don’t.
Strategy as Tires: Programmers are into carriers. Programmers are not into carried content.

Strategy as Tires: Hell, we used to let the user’s manager tell us what their users needed. Did the know? So where is that users’ vacation request? You can answer that right?
Strategy as Tires: You’d think a vacation request had some standards that all our customers used since they want to fill out that request in every application.
Strategy as Tires: We’ll stop there. Never mind enterprise architects. If you really want to lose track of what users do, …