Posts Tagged ‘code’

February 10, 2021

February 10, 2021

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Value-basing was a methodology built for long-term recessions. It was a response that happened during a recession. It did not make sense after the recession. After the recession, we went back to pricing the functionality as a whole, rather than pricing each function separately. The seat was already sold. The price of that seat went up.
Strategy as Tires: When the price of a seat goes up, there better be a reason to pay more. During the recession deliver that whole packages in anticipation of a recovery.
Strategy as Tires: During a normal or pre-recessionary period, deliver the value basing. That means code, marketing, pricing, and sales collateral.
Strategy as Tires: In a long recovery, value-basing is a cost bore for the company’s next recession.
Strategy as Tires: Beware of exponentials. Beware of exponentials with holes in them. Beware of multiplications, because they are exponentials that don’t happen in the superscripts. Your staff should report exponentials, logarithms, multiplications, skewed distributions, long tails, thick tails, and the length of stacked, but horizontal bar charts. Reach is leveraged.

February 7, 2021

February 7, 2021

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Today is a day off.
Strategy as Tires: Yes, you had all the days off you thought you would need for the next nine months during the pandemic. Workaholism is still workaholism. Stop it.
Strategy as Tires: Try compounding the interest on the time you spend beyond work.
Strategy as Tires: How did you change your world today?
Strategy as Tires: What idea did you have today that had nothing to do with code, technology, product, service, innovation, or the company?

July 20, 2020

July 20, 2020
Strategy as Tires: Code is codified knowledge. Code is supposed to be the delivery of acquired knowledge in a functional form. How much knowledge did you acquire?
Strategy as Tires: So the knowledge you acquired was from the first user you ran across?

Strategy as Tires: Who among your users can teach the domain? Is that according to the brand new theory or is that according to the theory being replaced by the new theory?
Strategy as Tires: How does the new theory differ from the known theory? You cannot explain the new theory in terms of the known theory? That’s great! You’ve got a new ontology. You’ve got a discontinuous innovation on your hands. So explain it.
Strategy as Tires: You told me how it cannot be explained. You could have skipped that. Explain it.
Strategy as Tires: What constraints do we get to ignore with the new theory? What constraints do we face with the new theory? Does the new theory give us some new area to monetize? So we have some new value propositions that we can enable?
Strategy as Tires:  Well, that’s great, but you threw in another distraction. I still don’t know how the new theory works?

May 10, 2020

May 10, 2020

Edited and rewritten on 6/5/2020 to convert content to tweets and wrote some new content.

Strategy as Tires: Linear perspective shows us that far enough out into the distance/future parallel lines converge. Oddly, Agile does the same thing. It iterates into the future and insists that the code and the jobs to be done converge.
Strategy as Tires: Well, the code and the jobs to be done do not converge. We sucked at requirements elicitation in the ’80s, the ’90s, then we completely gave up. Agile is not moving that ball at all.
Strategy as Tires: That convergence of code and job to be done never shows up in the delivered code. The delivered code is not the future at all.
Strategy as Tires: The mind is logarithmic, rather than linear, so the mind goes further than the product, a product full of cognitive gaps. The user still has to bend to the way the application does it.
Strategy as Tires: The user used to do it without the application exactly the way that job to be done is supposed to be done.
Strategy as Tires: The delivered performance is amateur, rather than expert. The performance is what you would expect of someone that had never done it before like a programmer.