Posts Tagged ‘chasm’

January 6, 2021

January 6, 2021

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Strategic alignment happens by phase. Each phase has its own tail. A tail is an ordered collection of factors. The first factor a (a<90°) is the tallest, longest, and steepest factor. The last factor b (b≤0) is shortest and flattest. The last factor might not known to you and it might not converge with the x-axis. Typically, the first three factors cover 80% of the volatility. More coverage is a matter of budget and time.
Strategy as Tires: The interfaces between phases are organizational units that report to corporate headquarters. Consider them to be a horizontal. They are wide. They own the chasm and tornado units within the bowling alley. The M&A tornado on the continuous side of the technology adoption lifecycle (TALC) are likewise headquarters interface units.
Strategy as Tires: What organization is going to ensure that a departing product and market population is transferred without loss? The interface units see to that. Long before one of the CEOs brings a beef to me, I’ve already heard. I’ve already been to that CEO’s office on one of my management by walking around (MBWA) trips.
Strategy as Tires: You’ve all been trained on how to succeed as CEOs of your phase-specific units. Your staff has been doing their jobs for quite a while. Follow their advice. Talk to your mentors frequently. Ask questions. Some of you will be going into new to us units that never existed before. Teach. We will learn. But, as new as it will be, phase-specificity will we new to you.
Strategy as Tires: New means hyperbolic space. New means we don’t have big data yet. Don’t assume normality—no, yet about it.

October 25, 2020

October 25, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Globalization, internationalization, and  localization are layers that happen after the first B2B chasm crossing. Those layers are realized in your product architecture and your organizational structure.
Strategy as Tires: There is an early adopter layer, Then, we add a vertical layer. Every company in a given vertical is unique. They are different from the early adopter’s company. What works in the early adopter’s company will not be proliferated across all companies.
Strategy as Tires: Layers parameterize the variables within a market. Standardizations happen. Standards establish a set of parameters across some scope.
Strategy as Tires: The technology adoption lifecycle (TALC) is built on phases with their own scopes. Those scopes contribute their phase’s contribution to the desired addressable market. The scope of a given TALC phase must match the scope of the parameterizations for that phase. The layers address a given scope, The layers change as the addressable market is traversed.
Strategy as Tires: Internationally, a given country/trading block crosses the TALC at its own speed, a speed different from that of other countries. Likewise, Every country adopts the underlying technology at its own speeds.
Strategy as Tires: Adopting a given discontinuous innovation includes adopting a different cognitive model with which the jobs to be done will actually be done. This adoption of a new cognitive model requires specific infrastructures available in only a limited number of places. Places are spatiotemporal entities; so are products. Likewise, the organizations that serve products to places.

March 20, 2020

March 20, 2020

Reformatted on 6/20/2020.

Strategy as Tires: Let’s talk pandemic. Let’s stop the anxieties. Let’s stop the debate. As far as I am concerned, it’s real. The board agrees.
Strategy as Tires: We are still creating wealth and capturing wealth. Our clients and customers continue to move forward with us even as we change our interactions.

Strategy as Tires: Many of you are paid via your annuity. We created the annuity program so we wouldn’t worry about payroll. If you are on that program, it is doing well, and you will continue to get paid.

Strategy as Tires: For those of you not one that program, we have less burn rate because of that program, so not to worry. We are accelerating that program by six months, so if you were going to enter it a year from last January, your transition will happen this July instead. That will reduce the burn rate again.
Strategy as Tires: We don’t rush. We take our time. We don’t leave money on the table by moving faster. We linger. We accelerate into the chasm. We accelerate into the tornado.
Strategy as Tires: We can slow down. That makes those burn rates controllable. So we will always have work even if we close a bowling alley. We can reduce hiring to slow the burn rate. And, we can sell some cash cows.
Strategy as Tires:  It’s simple. Stay well first. Get stuff done as you can. And, stop worrying. Take care of your families. We will survive and thrive–all of us, each of us, every last one of us.
Strategy as Tires: We will see to your needs. We will see to the needs of our clients and customers. And, we will see to the needs of our communities, all of them.
Strategy as Tires: I need each of you to be founts of optimism and support for each other. Staying home is not a threat. It is essential when you and yours are ill.
Strategy as Tires: Don’t bring your politics to work. And, don’t buy from the black marketers. If you need something, ask for it. We can find it. We are worldwide. And, we are local.
Strategy as Tires: Our grocery store has BBQ ready to be taken home. And, if you are home, they can deliver. Let us know.

November 23, 2016

November 23, 2016

From Twitter:

Strategy as Tires: Which way is up? Follow the bubbles. They always know which way is up.
Strategy as Tires: No. Bubble economics is not my thing. Don’t learn the wrong lesson.
Strategy as Tires: Which way is down? Follow the lead sinkers. They always know which way is down.
Strategy as Tires: Not going up or down? You’re somewhere in the middle. Nothing knows anything about the middle.
Strategy as Tires: You want to hire some leadership consultants? No.
Strategy as Tires: You want to hire some creativity consultants? No.
Strategy as Tires: You want to hire more MBAs than are allowed in your phase of the technology adoption lifecycle? No.
Strategy as Tires: Anything else you want to ask? Where you supposed to ask your mentor before asking me?
Strategy as Tires: Trying might be trying, but try.
Strategy as Tires: We’re rolling out “a use case a day” across all of our products, channels, and form factors. More dependencies, not less.
Strategy as Tires: So you have a chasm, did you make a map?
Strategy as Tires: So you have a chasm? We have combat engineers for that. We would be happier with proactivity, but ….
Strategy as Tires: We are installing more illuminators this week. Sensors next week. Data the following week. Decisions the week after that…
Strategy as Tires: Yes, we install mistakes all the time. We find mistakes all the time. We never seem to deinstall those mistakes.