Posts Tagged ‘bowling alley’

January 7, 2031

January 7, 2021

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: We’ve moved some existing business functions into new horizontals. The people in the organizations that performed those functions are now the interfaces to those horizontals or do those functions in the horizontals. These horizontals are components of phase‑focused organizations. Those horizontals are not cross‑phase organizations. There are no cross-phase organizations outside of headquarters. The horizontals provide specific services to all organizations under their phase-focused parent organization.
Strategy as Tires: I’m still hiking around. Soon enough everyone will be back from their hiatus
Strategy as Tires: Issues are percolating up my office again. Thanks for keeping me in the loop.
Strategy as Tires: Not everything is a CEO sale even if an expensive sales rep shows up insisting on such.
Strategy as Tires: We have our rainmakers. They bring needs to us. Those needs have early adopters attached to them. Of course, rainmakers have sales attached to them, well researched sales. New to us rainmakers don’t know our rules. We have to teach them those rules. That costs us some money, while saving us money in the end. Familiar rainmakers have already qualified their early adopters before they come to us. Familiar rainmakers save us money.
Strategy as Tires: If we have a discontinuous innovation ready to go and a free slot in the bowling alley, we would have to get an early adopter qualified quickly. Keeping our slots full is one of the necessities of running a bowling alley. But, if they don’t have a product visualization and a business value proposition ready to go, we’d be wasting our time and money.

December 12, 2020

December 12, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Yesterday’s LinkedIn News published their 24 Big Ideas that will change our world in 2021, which mentioned that macro managers will be desired; micromanagers not so much. As always, report any micromanagement to me. I always hated that behavior.
Strategy as Tires: So we might be facing a double-dip recession in the coming year. Like the pandemic, recessions are survivable. Our annuity payment system worked this year. And it will work next year. Those investments are in the volatility markets. Recessions generate a lot of volatility.
Strategy as Tires: Those double-dip recessions will demonstrate the need for discontinuous innovations. Expect us to add another lane to our bowling alley. That means we will be hiring. Stay focused on our vision statement. The world will need prosperity for all. Let’s make it happen.
Strategy as Tires: We expect the pandemic take most of next year to resolve. Don’t expect a return to the office for at least nine months. The problem is a world-wide problem demanding a world-wide solution.
Strategy as Tires: While we need a world-wide solution, we need a street-level solution as well—the latter involving hyperbolic spaces and revolutions around many modes. Stay safe.
Strategy as Tires: See today’s LinkedIn post, Downmarket Moves.

December 7, 2020

December 7, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: We are on top of gaps in the cognitive models that separate our user’s thinking from their doings in our interface of the application they are using. We reduce these gaps with a passion. If we average, we learn the user’s use and personalize from that user’s specifics back to that average. That means that we are aware of the pre-average, average, and post-average status of the average involved, and the average of the user.
Strategy as Tires: A user when using an application for the first time is a subset of one. That subset is pre-normal, aka skewed, kurtotic, and asymmetrical. That user will have that new experience every time they encounter a new-to-them-feature. They will have that experience many times before their use of that feature leaves the pre-normal distribution and converges to the normal distribution.
Strategy as Tires: Those pre-normal distributions are gaps in users knowing, or our learning.
Strategy as Tires: Anything new happens in hyperbolic space. The first-time user is in their hyperbolic space until their tail histories says otherwise.
Strategy as Tires: The gaps between our customers and us, as business entities, will be found and eliminated. Our customers will be afforded a gap-free UX just like our users get.
Strategy as Tires: Seth Godin mentioned gaps as insulations few days ago. My current bank has gaps that my previous bank did not have. I am leaving because of these gaps. I have to undertake a huge pointless effort to eliminate their gaps from my life.
Strategy as Tires: Gaps impede flow. Stop that.
Strategy as Tires: I left an employer once, because the HR department could not eliminate a gap caused by an HR services vendor. That HR vendor wanted to steal $4,000. HR couldn’t get the problem fixed. I had already earned my keep there.
Strategy as Tires: Back in the day, I worked at a law firm that had to teach the legal secretaries how to use word processors. The firm had to train them. These were touch typists. The software vendor kept moving the function keys. More gaps! Ouch! Those gaps caused more training. Later, those gaps killed the vendor’s business
Strategy as Tires: Requirements elicitation was a problem. We were asking bosses what they needed. Neither the boss or us asked the users what they needed. Those bosses were generalists. Those bosses could not do their staff’s jobs. Those bosses were inserting gaps. We inserted gaps. We still do.
Strategy as Tires: These days, software is developed via successive approximation. A thing is an approximation because it is close to, but not quite correct, aka convergent, yet. It is a series of gaps.We litter.
Strategy as Tires: We should not be training users, except with certain exceptions. Users should be training us.
Strategy as Tires: In the bowling alley, the early adopter’s staff trains our staff. We automate their jobs to be done. The client’s staffers know those jobs. We don’t.
Strategy as Tires: In the bowling alley, the early adopter tells us about their first three-degrees of separation of their business network. We do not have a clue about that.
Strategy as Tires: We can pride ourselves on what we know, but knowing how to learn is our real skill. That is true for every last one of us.
Strategy as Tires: Gaps indicate our need to learn. Gaps indicate our need to understand. Gaps indicate our need to teach.
Strategy as Tires: Gaps prevent us from doing, caring, considering.
Strategy as Tires: Gaps insulate (Seth’s word) us from our future. Gaps keep our user’s and us from success.
Strategy as Tires: Gaps are the very thing that drives all of us to create new theories and new futures.

November 28, 2020

November 28, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: For those of you that don’t celebrate our holidays, all I can say is that, it won’t be more than a few days where the best thing you can do is learn a new skill. The holiday hiatus does involve a lot of work. The only thing missing is the ship.
Strategy as Tires: For those of you that don’t celebrate our holidays, you get your holidays without ships or the organizational work that gets one during the hiatus.
Strategy as Tires: We have a chaplins team to help us serve everyone of you and yours.
Strategy as Tires: Change happens slowly. Our organizations do accommodate the new. But, Agile is faster than the changes we face. The domains we serve up its carried content change very slowly.
Strategy as Tires: Some of you find our pace to be frustratingly slow. Come and tell me about it. Positions open in your value chain partner firms often enough. They want to be faster than the domains they serve. They want to lead rather than follow the lead of their practitioners. That is a no go for us.
Strategy as Tires: I posted A View from the Bowling Alley I to LinkedIn.
Strategy as Tires: I continued with another post, A View from the Bowling Alley II to LinkedIn.
Strategy as Tires: And, there is one more post on LinkedIn today, Tornados I, and II.

November 8, 2020

November 8, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: See today’s LinkedIn post, Adoption Problems of Release Engineering Practices.
Strategy as Tires: Where do your embody your strategy? A strategy is what an organization does as it does. A strategy is embodied in your organizational structure, your people—their knowledge, abilities, and attitudes.
Strategy as Tires: Our strategy is to birth categories, markets, industries, and economic wealth—new value chains and new careers—via discontinuous innovation. That sounds like a lot, but each of our constituent organizations does one thing.
Strategy as Tires: The discontinuous innovation flows linearly through our constituent organizations. Each of those organizations deals with a successive flow of innovations, clients, prospects, customers, and staff: arrivals, durations, and departures.
Strategy as Tires: We have to invest in the organization so that the innovations flow through the organizational structure soothly.
Strategy as Tires: Adding a lane to the bowling alley requires investments elsewhere as well.

October 19, 2020

October 19, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: We are down to a month before the shutdown. Your managers and mentors will be in touch. You know how it goes. What do you want to do next year? What will your company and departments need from you? What will you need from you?
Strategy as Tires: We will continue to staff the horizontal cloud. And, we will add another lane to the bowling alley. A lot of companies will be improving new processes.
Strategy as Tires: Who do you want to be ten years from now? How can we help you get there.?
Strategy as Tires: This is the week to think about those things. The annual holiday shutdown involves a lot of moving parts. We get all that ready in the coming month.

September 30, 2020

September 30, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: So what did we do today?
Strategy as Tires: Well, I learned some new math, so into the mix, it goes.
Strategy as Tires: We will be staffing a third lane for our bowling alley. That will be a focus during the holiday shutdown this year.
Strategy as Tires: We have this holiday shutdown routine down. The pandemic will change things, but we have these pandemic impacts down. What new challenge can we address during this year’s holiday shutdown?

September 10, 2020

September 10, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: It’s a Lake Wobegon day. “Winter is coming!” Actually, it blew in here two weeks ago with a cold rain. This morning it shows up with wind chill. We seem to skipping Fall.
Strategy as Tires:  “Now, back to the discontinuous innovation soap opera.”
Strategy as Tires: When added that lane to our bowling alley, I wasn’t thinking about cutting out time in the bowling alley, but we can do that now. So we need to review our contracts and figure out how to make that work.
Strategy as Tires: With the early mainstreet phase shrinking, holding to the no coding on your own dime rule will become more complicated.
Strategy as Tires: It comes down to habits. When the technology adoption lifecycle (TALC) changes much of the policies and habits go out the window.
Strategy as Tires: We’ve been a stable operation for a long time. I hope we can remember how it was when we were not stable.
Strategy as Tires: We have not run out of discontinuous innovations to bring to market. When we doubled our bowling alley, we wanted to double our throughput. But, investors don’t want an income stream that lasts twenty five years these days.
Strategy as Tires: We are going to increase the size of our bowling alley again, but to this time we will address the duration issue. Different metrics and another organization to deal with them.

January 1, 2020

January 1, 2020

New tweets.

Strategy as Tires: If you need some black-eyed peas, come on down, we’ve got plenty. The rest of the meal, not so much.

Strategy as Tires: I looked up all the startups that I worked for back then. All of them are gone. Don’t worry. We’re still here. That’s our game, being here in the distant future still keeping our bowling alley full.
Strategy as Tires: Black-eyed peas might have objected to being a lucky food that people ate on New Year’s Day, but it kept black-eyed peas on our plates for 15,000 years. That’s a one hell of an infinite game.