Posts Tagged ‘asking for help’

August 12, 2020

August 12, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Please give those helping you clear and complete instructions.
Strategy as Tires: During the pandemic, everything takes longer. And, mistakes and delays will multiply. Patience and politeness will help.
Strategy as Tires: Use our various staffers. They have been there. Call HR when you need some help. Your manager knows how to find you the help you need. You are not alone.
Strategy as Tires: Asking for help is hard. All of you have explored that problem in your various HR classes. Yes, it is the hardest soft skill.
Strategy as Tires: If you need more contact during your shelter at home service, let me know.
Strategy as Tires: Masks and hand sanitizer are available at the stores now. Your HSA covers them. Get what you need. No excuses.
Strategy as Tires: Care for strangers. Say hello in passing.
Strategy as Tires: Be more personable in your code.
Strategy as Tires: The stores seem to be out of things again. If there are things you cannot find, let our logistics people know.
Strategy as Tires:  Have a great day. Thank you for your efforts.

July 24, 2020

July 24, 2020
Strategy as Tires: Sharing a tip about learning. Focus on your gain, not your gap.
Strategy as Tires: Staying focused on what you’ve gained, keeps you optimistic about the effort.
Strategy as Tires: You’ve gained today? Celebrate.
Strategy as Tires: You didn’t close a gap today? How can we help?
Strategy as Tires: Yes! Asking for help is the hardest thing any of us must do.
Strategy as Tires: Yes, I’ve heard that. Adding people slows down progress. Going from I to we is hard. But, you work for a we. And, you are already a we.
Strategy as Tires: So how can we help without turning this into a project?
20:35Strategy as Tires: Begin.

May 11, 2020

May 11, 2020

Edited and rewritten on 6/5/2020 to convert content to tweets and wrote some new content.

Strategy as Tires: Who did you help today? Will they help you tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year?
Strategy as Tires: In math, an inf helps a sup. The bottom of a histogram supports the top of the histogram. The top shelters the bottom. They are in it together. So are every last one of us.
Strategy as Tires: When you did it yourself, think again. When you think you can do it yourself, think again. We didn’t hire you to do it yourself. Others are here to help you. Let them. Then, thank them.
Strategy as Tires: Ask a stranger to you, how you can help. They don’t know you. They have no idea.
Strategy as Tires: After you’ve helped that stranger you didn’t know, they know you, you know them, and they have an idea about how you can help them and others. Asking changes the world.

March 2, 2020

March 2, 2020

Reformatted on 6/25/2020.

Strategy as Tires: When you come to us and say “I don’t know what to do,” or “We don’t know what to do,” we know how to find out, and we will get you some help with it.
Strategy as Tires: The key to the unknown is owning that unknown, admitting your need, asking for help, and knowing that nothing bad will happen as a consequence.
Strategy as Tires: We didn’t hire you because you knew everything. We hired you because you can handle unknowns.
Strategy as Tires: We hired you because we trust you. We know you can succeed and it is up to us to ensure that you do succeed.