Archive for the ‘unit of one’ Category

May 28, 2020

May 28, 2020

Edited on 6/2/2020 to convert content to tweets.

Strategy as Tires: Did you feel smarter after talking to a user in the sense of your having learned something from them? Will that make the application smarter?
Strategy as Tires: Did you thank that user for teaching you something.?

May 21, 2020

May 21, 2020

Edited on 6/5/2020 to convert content to tweets and add tweets.

Strategy as Tires: So “unit of one” what have you got to say today? Are you fully booked? Have you made a slack move today?
Strategy as Tires: Are you taking a random walk to a place where everyone else asks, why go there?
Strategy as Tires: When was the last time you encountered a surprise?
Strategy as Tires: Why go there? Forever lives there. An infinite game is played there. Puff the Magic Dragon lives there in a chaos-free cave.

April 10, 2020

April 10, 2020

Reformatted on 6/17/2020.

Strategy as Tires: On, April 17th, I’m giving away a million dollars to the employee that is the best listener in our company tomorrow, April 11th. How will I know? Imagine that nightmare, but we have already written the selection criteria down. Just do it. Show me.
Strategy as Tires: You certainly can’t tell me about how well you listen. And, of course, those social networks have already been built. They have already been listening.

April 7, 2020

April 7, 2020

Reformatted on 6/17/2020.

Strategy as Tires: OK. Now, rephrase that complaint as a question. Something like, why do we do it that way? Why can’t we do it this way? Be specific about “this.” …
Strategy as Tires: ”So to paraphrase you, … Yes? Should I tell you the history of that idea here?” …
Strategy as Tires: ”It failed here two months ago in another of our companies. That’s why the idea did not gain further support.” Failure teaches much; success, not so much.
Strategy as Tires: Any additional questions you’d like to ask?”
Strategy as Tires: ”So did you have a successful curiosity exchange?”