Archive for the ‘TALC’ Category

June 2, 2020

June 2, 2020
Strategy as Tires: You’ve worked here for years. You’ve worked in many of our companies and in all the TALC phases. You had a defining moment years ago. Thanks for that.
Strategy as Tires: You’ve come here today to ask me what I need to be done, what problem I need to get solved? You are here to find your next defining moment? Yeah, great!

May 26, 2020

May 26, 2020

Edited on 6/2/2020 to convert content to tweets.

Strategy as Tires: One manager manages one business or one functional unit or none. Every manager lives in one and only one phase of the technology adoption lifecycle (TALC).
Strategy as Tires: Every manager must align their unit with the infinite game and one and only one finite game. For many managers, there is no finite game.
Strategy as Tires: That said, each organizational interface has its own manager.

May 20, 2020

May 20, 2020

Revisions appear in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: The cannibalization of the early mainstreet (EM) phase is proceeding slowly.
Strategy as Tires: We are already looking for the impacts across the technology adoption lifecycle (TALC). Much will change. The point of the early mainstreet (EM) phase will be reduced. How much remains to be seen.
Strategy as Tires: We put the product-led growth (PLG) accommodating division together last December rather unexpectedly, aka LATE.
Strategy as Tires: We already see the emerging nominal. Where the TALC is usually concave, the PLG phase’s distribution is convex due to its having skew and kurtosis, as a result of not having achieved normality, yet.
Strategy as Tires: The convexity of the PLG phase’s distribution will become a nominal as it achieves normality.
Strategy as Tires: The TALC is a normal, an aggregated normal sums the normals from its constituent phases. PLG phase is an emergent normal in that aggregate.
Strategy as Tires: As it is the PLG’s distribution being skewed is due not just to the small sample size, but also the presence of some yet to be known outliers.
Strategy as Tires: Some competitors in the product-led growth (PLG) phase have been there longer than we have. Their PLG distributions have achieved normality. This is where being LATE kills. They know much more than we do
Strategy as Tires: Be awake and aware of ALL technology adoption lifecycle (TALC) changes. Shape changes are telling.
Strategy as Tires: When using synthetic data, you are expecting a distribution of a certain shape.
Strategy as Tires: Once you have your synthetic data, a hypothesis, will your sample data proceed to match it? Quantify the difference. How long until those two distributions match? How much error is involved?
Strategy as Tires: People are not numbers.
Strategy as Tires: Numbers do not represent a person. We pretend.
Strategy as Tires: See Cannibalization on the Product Strategist blog.
Strategy as Tires: The cloud (C) phase, since its beginnings, has been cannibalizing the early mainstreet (EM) phase. But it cannibalized it one server at a time, one vertical application at a time.
Strategy as Tires: Now, product-led growth (PLG) is cannibalizing the horizontal applications from the EM phase, and, I had not realized this before now, the cloud phase as well. These applications, written before PLG practices, generally failed. Earlier attempts at horizontal applications had not succeeded.


May 12, 2020

May 12, 2020

Edited and rewritten on 6/5/2020 to convert content to tweets and wrote some new content.


Strategy as Tires: The technology adoption lifecycle (TALC) is an aggregated normal distribution. It is composed of six, now, seven normals. That last normal has not achieved normality yet. Each normal is a phase.
Strategy as Tires: One phase is shrinking. Another is growing. Some of our usual practices and processes are changing. There is always something new. There is always something that we don’t know how to do yet.
Strategy as Tires: Yet teaches much.

Strategy as Tires: You find a teacher when you don’t know how to do it. If that instructor insists that you teach yourself, find another teacher.
Strategy as Tires: Learning something wrong forces you to unlearn what you’ve come to believe you already know. Not yet is not a fun place to be.