Archive for the ‘people’ Category

July 10, 2020

July 10, 2020
Strategy as Tires: Yitang “Tom” Zhang, the guy in last month’s math news for solving the Twin Prime Conjecture had been working at an office of a local Subway franchise.
Strategy as Tires: Zhang says of his Subway period that it was a period of disappointment. That period has ended for him.
Strategy as Tires: Zhang could not find a job due to the economy. He is not the only one with that challenge.
Strategy as Tires: Strategy as Tires: That’s why we read resumes. That’s why we don’t hire perfect people. There are plenty of capable people still just surviving that economy.
Strategy as Tires: He had his goals like solving the Twin Prime Conjecture that he worked on every day. Always have a goal. Always have a reason to climb out of bed.
Strategy as Tires: If you ever feel disappointed with your work life, see me. If a goal stops making sense, try HR’s EAP program, and then if that situation persists see me.
Strategy as Tires: Please resolve other office/workplace problems through ordinary channels. Talking with your mentor is a very proactive thing to do.

Strategy as Tires: Those disappointments are why we want to create prosperity for all. Discontinuous innovation is an absolute necessity. All of you are essential for getting that done.
Strategy as Tires: None of you should just be surviving.
13:00Strategy as Tires: Thrive!