Archive for December, 2020

December 31, 2020

December 31, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: The year ends today. There is a process for that.
Strategy as Tires: The process started weeks ago and extends into next month. The year will be so over by the corporate quarterly meeting. You’ll be there remotely, of course.
Strategy as Tires: Yes, there is no corporate-sponsored New Year’s Eve gala. There never has been. It’s always DIY.

December 30, 2020

December 30, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: What is this day about?
Strategy as Tires: Has a crisis locked you into a mind-to-mind conflict? Did some of your proactivity keep you out of the conflict?
Strategy as Tires: Did you find a parameterization that granted you some vision? Did that intersection vanish with that parameterization?
Strategy as Tires: When we travel, we travel under a succession of distributions. We leave correlations behind. We arrive at new correlations.
Strategy as Tires: Have your factors swapped places? Why?

December 29, 2020

December 29, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Well, are you ready to welcome in the new year? The annual hiatus ends on Monday. They will either pick up where they left the work back before Thanksgiving. Or, they will continue their orientations for their new positions. We didn’t get all the work done on our hiatus emergencies so that will continue.
Strategy as Tires: It will be nice to get back to work, pandemic aside.
Strategy as Tires: Another New Years Eve dancing to Glover Gill’s tango band, but he retired years ago. I’ll miss that always miss that. Thanks for the years.
Strategy as Tires: The best way to celebrate the end of the hiatus is to ship. It’s been one constant party for the past two months. It’s time to ship. Celebrating the end of the parties with a party is barely noticeable.
Strategy as Tires: If it wasn’t fun to ship, why would we do it? Of course our designing organizations is fun; designing your life, essential; designing your career, likewise, essential.

December 28, 2020

December 28, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: So you need something “new” to do? Do you constantly need “new?” Is “new” your addiction? We are constantly doing “new,” but those “new” things take 25 years. “New” is not quick here. It’s a long slow process. We don’t leave money on the table. The quick do that. The long new is our thing. If it is a quick new, we will reframe it.
Strategy as Tires: Our business partners are always leaving leaving money on the table. After we close the scheduled meeting, we’ll say, “Joe, you left money on the table again.” He’ll take a look and reply, “There is nothing on the table, nothing at all. Then, we launch into the unscheduled part of the meeting. Food will show up without mention.
Strategy as Tires: Yes, some people think cutting salaries, wages, and benefits is a strategy. They don’t want to think harder than that. And, they don’t cut their own salaries, wages, nor benefits. No, they raise their own.
Strategy as Tires: Some of our partners leave when the scheduled meeting is over. We know who they are. Most of our partners have done business with us through all the “new” that discontinuous innovation can deliver. They have a track record.
Strategy as Tires: When we search for B2B early adopters, they must have a relationship with a rainmaker that we are familiar with. They must have a product visualization. And, they must have a value proposition. Then, they must be in the middle of their industrial classification tree. Otherwise, we say no thanks, refer them to someone else, usually an alumni, usually from the continuous side of our company. Those alumni are more familiar with the “new” that doesn’t change the world, nor generate economic wealth.

December 27, 2020

December 27, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: So on to the New Year’s Eve celebration. Then, we will be rushing to get the hiatus done. We are ahead of schedule relative to the usual hiatus work. The last of the last minute hiatus projects was to build the hyperbolic and Euclidean splits into our organizational structure. Yes, the processes and the math change, so those need to be encapsulated into their own organizations. The client/prospect/customer people will move, but the carrier people will stay in those organizations as is our usual practice.
Strategy as Tires: The hyperbolic organization will also have to do finite field-based math. A new thing. The lessons on that have been ongoing for a while now.
Strategy as Tires: Further, the hyperbolic organization will have to provide consulting services to the continuous innovation branch of the organization. They will run the “new” portions of the continuous innovation organizations, but only for the hopefully short hyperbolic sample phases of those companies.
Strategy as Tires: The hyperbolic sample phases in continuous innovation companies will be short if they happen at all, because those target populations have existing markets that bring already normal populations to the effort.
Strategy as Tires: But, those hyperbolic spaces happen all over the place. Every tail has them. Unless we’ve let the product get old. Stable ontologies will do that, so we are always looking for emerging theories in the carried content. Beyond the IT horizontal, carrier changes are not what we focus on. Those carrier changes are inbound from demand in the vertical markets.
Strategy as Tires: Catch the new blog post on the Product Strategist blog, Subsets.

December 26, 2020

December 26, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Our strengths provide us with our energy and self-motivations. Learned behaviors do not do this.
Strategy as Tires:  We are blind to our strengths. This is true of ourselves and our organizations. Beware. Strength blindness is a norm.
Strategy as Tires: Our organizations are socially created. No one of us can see the whole organization. We see our own contributions. We see fewer of the contributions of others. An organization is the end result of a debate or argument among its creators. Some of these creators collaborate while others defect. Neither population sees the other’s efforts as contributing.
Strategy as Tires: Know that our addressable market is fixed. Or, digital, aka fixed in steps. We do move through that addressable market. Growth is a matter of moving through that addressable market quicker. Growth is about growing our income from that market. It is not a matter of making the market bigger.
Strategy as Tires: When you ask a question that has not been asked before, expect a hyperbolic answer. Do not expect the person answering that question to speak for a population under a normal distribution, aka a population in Euclidean space.
Strategy as Tires:  See the new post on the Product Strategist blog, Subsets.

December 25, 2020

December 25, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: When you catch a moment for yourself, you should realize that you have plenty to be thankful for. These seasons do not make themselves.
Strategy as Tires: Who will rewrite all our holiday winter traditions when the Earth no longer does winter.
Strategy as Tires: One day, the grandkid will ask how they can make a snowball. Well, we have to make some snow first.
Strategy as Tires: Snow will be a product.
Strategy as Tires: Happy Holidays!
Strategy as Tires: See the new post on the Product Strategist blog, The Lifecycle of a Normal Distribution.

December 24, 2020

December 24, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Nobody showed up at work yesterday. Except for the call center staff, security, the kitchen staff, and a few dozen elves.
Strategy as Tires: Two more weeks of hiatus left. When people get tired of being home for the holidays, they will wander back in here.
Strategy as Tires: Some people stash their presents at the office. So today, things will be busier than yesterday.
Strategy as Tires: It’s also the last day for the holiday well-wishing.
Strategy as Tires: The snow machines will show up after lunch. They’ve got a lot of snow to make. Anyway, Happy Holidays!

December 23, 2020

December 23, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: If you’ve got processes, you’ve got periods and pi.
Strategy as Tires: So you are making that decision again—periods and pi.
Strategy as Tires: I bought a quart of eggnog. A pint could not be found anywhere. Given my diet, a quart is too much. It will take me a week to drink a quart.
Strategy as Tires: No wonder the eggnog milkshake earlier this week was so weak. This year’s eggnog is barely eggnog.
Strategy as Tires: Next year, I’ll make my own eggnog. But next year, the eggnog industry will flood the market with eggnog.

December 24, 2020

December 22, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Yes, I slept in. I’ve got two hours to get into my Santa suit.
Strategy as Tires: I’ll be expecting a spherical pie chart, aka plate, when I get home tonight.
Strategy as Tires: Yes, we could have flown in some reindeer. Merry Christmas!