Archive for November, 2020

November 30, 2020

November 30, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: The campus will feel empty today. If you are here, you are attending a training or a meeting. There won’t be any coding. There won’t be any product.
Strategy as Tires: And, you won’t be here all day. If I’m coming to see you, I won’t just show up. You will have made an appointment. I won’t be here all day either.
Strategy as Tires: I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Strategy as Tires: For those of you that are single, you might be bothered when the parents show up with their kids. This has been a long tradition. Get used to it.
Strategy as Tires: When your staffs do things, remember that you might be doing that instead. Remember that you don’t want to be doing that. Lead and enable your staffs.

November 29, 2020

November 29, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: ”The software is FREE to try! All the features included and NO credit card required!”—Free actually means free. Marketing, by close of business today.
Strategy as Tires: The job is not to wrestle a subscription from the user.
Strategy as Tires: See Task Sublimations, an article posted on LinkedIn.
Strategy as Tires: A paying customer is not the enemy. The laid off user is not the enemy. The user willing to learn a new skill is not the enemy.
Strategy as Tires: Since we are busy creating new categories, industries, and careers, sign up those users that don’t have money for our software. Then, go find them a job, so they can be a paying user. The applicant’s own those new spaces.
Strategy as Tires: Prosperity for all is our point. We have a long way to go before we’ve gotten that done.

November 28, 2020

November 28, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: For those of you that don’t celebrate our holidays, all I can say is that, it won’t be more than a few days where the best thing you can do is learn a new skill. The holiday hiatus does involve a lot of work. The only thing missing is the ship.
Strategy as Tires: For those of you that don’t celebrate our holidays, you get your holidays without ships or the organizational work that gets one during the hiatus.
Strategy as Tires: We have a chaplins team to help us serve everyone of you and yours.
Strategy as Tires: Change happens slowly. Our organizations do accommodate the new. But, Agile is faster than the changes we face. The domains we serve up its carried content change very slowly.
Strategy as Tires: Some of you find our pace to be frustratingly slow. Come and tell me about it. Positions open in your value chain partner firms often enough. They want to be faster than the domains they serve. They want to lead rather than follow the lead of their practitioners. That is a no go for us.
Strategy as Tires: I posted A View from the Bowling Alley I to LinkedIn.
Strategy as Tires: I continued with another post, A View from the Bowling Alley II to LinkedIn.
Strategy as Tires: And, there is one more post on LinkedIn today, Tornados I, and II.

November 27, 2020

November 27, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Yesterday, East Texas; today, Glendale. I’ll go to all the old places. I’ll get a room at the YMCA just to see how the place changed. And, the day started in the usual cafe. I’m off to my usual lunch. And, if that place does not exist, there are two more usual lunch places.
Strategy as Tires: Despite innovation much remains the same. Much remains familiar.
Strategy as Tires: Yes, the holiday mood has struck. It will be that kind of Christmas this year.
Strategy as Tires: My car partners have taken the car, so I’m on foot where I was always on foot. I used to drive out of town once a week. When I lived here, I had to get away once a week.
Strategy as Tires: When you leave a place, coming back will be one of loss. Everyone has gone.

November 26, 2020

November 26, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: The turkey is in the smoker. I’m in East Texas. We came in from the north, so there was no UT-Austin traffic. All is well.
Strategy as Tires: No biz talk today. I’m not on the call list until Monday. We’ve got people to handle it, whatever it is.
Strategy as Tires: If you can’t leave it to your staff, you need to learn how to hire and how to inspire.
Strategy as Tires: It’s nice to be out here with family again.
6:21Strategy as Tires:  Happy Thanksgiving to all.

November 25, 2020

November 25, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: The people that got the turkey distribution done, got it done. The people doing the pumpkin pie distribution got it done. But, I didn’t get my own pumpkin bought. And, it being the day before Thanksgiving, I am not going into a grocery store today. Friday, I will go pick up my first order of tamales.
Strategy as Tires: Friday was the last ship of the year. Saturday all the bugs in the ship were cured. Sunday, we were closed. Everybody was logged out. And, in a few hours, everybody will be gone except security. Happy holiday hiatus.
Strategy as Tires: This year there were no board arguments about the hiatus. It makes sense to the board now. I’ve gotten rid of the board members that had problems with it. Uncool I know, but sometimes results results can’t teach.
Strategy as Tires: We’ll be deep into the reorg for next year starting Monday. And, it is one of those years when I won’t be in a Christmas mood without a trip to the mall. I’ll drive out to Burbank and go to that mall, the one with the fake snow machines. Maybe the rain will smell like snow. Yeah, I said drive. There will be two drivers this year and some passengers to keep the driver awake.
Strategy as Tires: The managers and the mentors report that everyone got their information submitted for the hiatus. All that information has been reviewed. The trainers have what they need. And, the new supervisors have met their team members. Monday, facilities, our annual move day, will be here for that zoo. If we had room for scales, we’d have a weight limit.

November 24, 2020

November 23, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Good morning. You did something wonderful yesterday. Thanks.
Strategy as Tires: The hiatus starts this week, so it’s management by thanking around week.
Strategy as Tires: If you’ve got people to thank, get it done before they vanish. Thank them face to face. Yeah, I know, masks.
Strategy as Tires: If you can’t get home for the holiday, let me know. It’s getting too late to get you there, so call me now. If you have a dinner locally, and you can’t get there, call our operator.
Strategy as Tires: I had to talk to my US Senator this morning. Well, that would be their staffer. One senator erected barriers and went so far as to have an unanswerable phone number. Oh, well.
Strategy as Tires: I expect our customers to get a one-call resolution. My problem is different. It can’t be resolved in one call. But we tell our customers to expect a one-call resolution.

November 23, 2020

November 23, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Stick a hole in it. Why? To change the factors that happened before the hole. If factor 3 can be arrived at without factors 1 and 2, oh, well. Call it a tail switch.
Strategy as Tires: Organizations are built on tails. When you toss out factors 1 and 2, how much of the organization must change?
Strategy as Tires: Who do you want to buy your organization? How does your tail fit among their tails? Where would they put their tail switch? Would that tail be a good tail to serve as the base of your organization?
Strategy as Tires: Which tail switch gives you the best offer you could make to a buyer.
Strategy as Tires: Yes, your organization is going to be sold in a pending cash cow sale, so its time to think about the outcomes you want and how you can make an offer that generates those outcomes.

November 22, 2020

November 22, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Now that we have tails constructed from the use frequencies of all our UI components, building reusable components had to be automated. In the not so distant past, reused components did not have unique context IDs.They still don’t. Keep them unique. Use of the thing is more important than the thing.
Strategy as Tires: The other reason for that automation is tail construction. Nobody wants to do that by hand.
Strategy as Tires: Your functionality has not turned up in the tails. You were trained on this. What’s not the problem? You don’t see the point? Well, I see the point. Get it?

How much should your not seeing the point cost you?
Strategy as Tires: So besides a programmer, what else would you like to do with your life? We could help you with that. Do you see the point of that?
Strategy as Tires: Is this nomial contributing towards a convergence or not?

November 21, 2020

November 21, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: ”A hypothesis is just a disprovable guess…”  This from Hidden in this is that fact about statistical inference that you can only accept or reject the null hypothesis.
Strategy as Tires: Well, if we are going to engage in hypothesis-driven thinking, what would true look like? Fase? How fast can a representative sample be collected? Which experts have been reliable in the past?
Strategy as Tires: Is the sample large enough that we can walk backwards in time in a manner that the distribution stays normal?
Strategy as Tires: Are our queues big enough? Are they big enough to handle the demands that this innovation will place on them?
Strategy as Tires:  How do we improve the bibliometrics of the article covering that new theory?