Archive for September, 2020

September 30, 2020

September 30, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: So what did we do today?
Strategy as Tires: Well, I learned some new math, so into the mix, it goes.
Strategy as Tires: We will be staffing a third lane for our bowling alley. That will be a focus during the holiday shutdown this year.
Strategy as Tires: We have this holiday shutdown routine down. The pandemic will change things, but we have these pandemic impacts down. What new challenge can we address during this year’s holiday shutdown?

September 29, 2020

September 29, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: It’s that time of year again, but with the pandemic shutdown, it is harder to get enthusiastic about the impending holiday shutdown. But, yes, we will still shut down for the holiday period.
Strategy as Tires: Thanks to all of you for getting the work done under trying circumstances.
Strategy as Tires: Yes, we still have to get ready for next year.

Strategy as Tires: Have you updated your work and life plans. Yes, you have to do it for the coming year. It has to be done before the holiday shutdown begins.

September 28, 2020

September 28, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Do we make this decision once, or more often? How often in the case of those made more often? Every decade? Every two years? Every year? Every month?Every week? Every day? Every shift? Every hour? Constantly?
Strategy as Tires: As the decision calendared or event-driven?
Strategy as Tires: Is the decision independent? Dependent? Does the decision feed downstream dependencies?
Strategy as Tires: What is the time orientation of the decision? Are you reacting? Are you trying to get ahead of your predictions of near term needs? Or are you being proactive in regards to future needs?
Strategy as Tires: OODA loops are strategic. You have to be trained to observe. You have to be trained to orient. You have to be trained to decide. And, you have to be trained to act. There is nothing tactical about any of that.

September 27, 2020

September 27, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: When you averaged your customer and prospect populations, we told you not to do that. So you traded off those populations. For what population do you intend to code?
Strategy as Tires: You seek to serve easy? Is that what your population wants? Yes, that is the theory, but we don’t go there. The population your company serves is quite a ways from easy. Are you requesting a transfer?
Strategy as Tires: So did you find all the lines parallel to the line for your feature? Your competitors are not parallel? Their factors, their correlations, their tails don’t match yours? So competition is no excuse?
Strategy as Tires: So you called the excuse line. They had no excuses?

September 26, 2020

September 26, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: You don’t want to be managed? But, you want to be paid?
Strategy as Tires: You don’t want to do estimates?
Strategy as Tires: You don’t want to answer to project managers, product managers, or anybody else? Why did you apply here?
Strategy as Tires: But, if your paycheck didn’t ship, that would be a problem? And, if the amount of the check was wrong, that would be a problem?

September 25, 2020

September 25, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Yes, we missed the ship.
Strategy as Tires: We would estimate, but management would insist on a ship date that was impossible by our estimates.
Strategy as Tires: Then, they would slip, slip, slip until the date we originally estimated.
Strategy as Tires: But, yeah, you know we can’t estimate, aka you don’t want to estimate.

September 24, 2020

September 24, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: The edge of the Poincaré disk is at your horizon. Infinity is at that same horizon.
Strategy as Tires: Geography defines the horizon. There are times when you see a second horizon beyond the rise that is your first horizon.
Strategy as Tires: With two horizons, you are dealing with a bimodal distribution. There may be more modals. Any of them can be skewed and kurtotic.
4:25Strategy as Tires: So is your distribution normal yet.

September 23, 2020

September 23, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: Today’s problem is me. Ouch.
Strategy as Tires: I was surprised by me. I’ve got to be proactive about me.
Strategy as Tires:  When a company is a signal processor, how much processing will a given signal cause? How soon will that signal be actionable?
Strategy as Tires: What spaces do the signal and later the signal processing cross?
Strategy as Tires: Who is watching your tells?
Strategy as Tires: What aspects of that signal will need to persist in the sensor plane?
Strategy as Tires: So what would a jink tell us?
Strategy as Tires: So what is the new tactic of this year’s b‑school grads? New strategies? “New” means that you know the “old.”

September 21, 2020

September 21, 2020

Any revisions will appears in purple text.

Strategy as Tires: I hear that you’ve been talking about work outside of work. Stop it.
Strategy as Tires: Secrets? If it is in code that you can install on your own machine, it is not secret.
Strategy as Tires: This week we are closed. Enjoy.
Strategy as Tires: Yes, that means don’t log on, don’t call, and don’t text. Nobody will be calling you this week. If you are in dire need, call us. Those particular numbers are always answered.
Strategy as Tires: Some things cannot be bought.
Strategy as Tires: Between the bookends life happens.
Strategy as Tires: We birth categories. They grow up and go on without us. They birth stories. Those stories go on without us as well. Some of them go places we never went. Some of them go places we would never go.
Strategy as Tires: Back to the math. Yes, math is born and goes on without us. We tend to catch up 100 years later.