Archive for May, 2020

May 31, 2020

May 31, 2020

Edited on 6/2/2020 to convert content to tweets.

Strategy as Tires: We have started a monthly data viz contest. Your data viz will be submitted to the contest judges by the decision-makers that relied on your data viz.
Strategy as Tires: The outcomes of data viz-driven decisions will be evaluated quarterly. Those outcomes will influence the outcomes of quarterly and annual contests.

May 30, 2020

May 30, 2020

Edited on 6/2/2020 to convert content to tweets.

Strategy as Tires: Before you were a boss, you were a leader. You convinced others to pitch in and get things done. Or, they convinced themselves. You showed us that you didn’t need authority.
Strategy as Tires: As a boss, authority is your tool of last resort. Ask yourself what you’ve forgotten about leadership.

May 29, 2020

May 29, 2020

Edited on 6/2/2020 to convert content to tweets, and to add some tweets.

Strategy as Tires: Your team makes a huge difference around here. Thanks for making the transition from a unit of one to a unit of many. So what is our next idea? How can we help? And, of course, how can we get the hell out of the way?

May 28, 2020

May 28, 2020

Edited on 6/2/2020 to convert content to tweets.

Strategy as Tires: Did you feel smarter after talking to a user in the sense of your having learned something from them? Will that make the application smarter?
Strategy as Tires: Did you thank that user for teaching you something.?

May 27, 2020

May 27, 2020

Edited on 6/2/2020 to convert content to tweets.

Strategy as Tires: We birth new categories. We raise them. We nurture them. We don’t disrupt them. We don’t bury them. We let them go. Sound familiar?

May 26, 2020

May 26, 2020

Edited on 6/2/2020 to convert content to tweets.

Strategy as Tires: One manager manages one business or one functional unit or none. Every manager lives in one and only one phase of the technology adoption lifecycle (TALC).
Strategy as Tires: Every manager must align their unit with the infinite game and one and only one finite game. For many managers, there is no finite game.
Strategy as Tires: That said, each organizational interface has its own manager.

May 25, 2020

May 25, 2020

Edited on 6/2/2020 to convert content to tweets.

Strategy as Tires: The sandwich shop will be serving the L’Hopital sandwich today. It use one layer of ε and one layer of δ with all the fillings converging in between them. Satisfaction will be approximate.
Strategy as Tires: When ordering be sure to fully specify the filings, or the sandwich will have cognitive gaps like some of our older products.

May 24, 2020

May 24, 2020

Edited on 6/2/2020 to convert content to tweets.

Strategy as Tires: When the art museum is reopened, the disruption hall will feature an exhibit on underwater companies. What would your office look like if it were underwater?
Strategy as Tires: There will also be a showing of “Burn Rate” featuring a campfire built with wood from acid-rained on forests. Poof! Yes, it burns that fast like VC money.

May 23, 2020

May 23, 2020

Edited on 6/2/2020 to convert content to tweets.

Strategy as Tires: Imagine our company doing something that it does better. Regardless of your role and position here, make it happen. Do it. Report on it. Market it. Sell it. Move it up the organization. Move it down the organization.
Strategy as Tires: Imagine our company doing something that it does better. Do it without a job title, or authority. Data it. Visualize it. Prove out it. Convince us.

May 22, 2020

May 22, 2020

Edited on 6/2/2020 to convert content to tweets.

Strategy as Tires: So what story did you wrap around that decision before you made that decision? And, as you realized that decision did the data fall for the story? Did the prospects love the story? Did their staff? Bosses?