Archive for April, 2020

April 30, 2020

April 30, 2020

Edited 6/6/2020 to convert content to tweets.

Strategy as Tires: I am being asked to define our future. We’ll predict it. Yes, we are dealing with something very different than we dealt with in the past. We deal with it the way we dealt with every future we ever faced.

Strategy as Tires: And, given that we bring discontinuous innovations to markets we made, we have processes, we have our daily struggle, and we have future wins. We didn’t predict this stuff. We learned. We evolved. We experimented.
Strategy as Tires: We know our clients, customers, and prospects. We learn everything we can about them. We serve them.
Strategy as Tires: Stay focused on the needs of those customers. The jobs to be done don’t change. Anything we do today, the cavemen did. They didn’t worry about the future. They caught some lightning. They lit a fire. They fixed dinner.

April 29, 2020

April 29, 2020

Edited 6/7/2020 to convert content to tweets and to add content.

Strategy as Tires: The distinction between clients and customers is embedded in our organizational structure. As is the distinction between technology and product–aka carrier and carried content.
Strategy as Tires: The distinction between the verticals and the horizontals in our client’s, customer’s, and prospect’s companies is likewise a matter of organizational structure.
Strategy as Tires: The distinction between discontinuous and continuous innovation is again organizational structure, but it is also a distinction that the wider world does not make.
Strategy as Tires: Discontinuous innovation does not get funded. That makes it non-existent, never existent. But, its heroes get reframed as being just another continuous innovator.
Strategy as Tires: The governmental programs to fund innovation do so in the continuous innovation sphere while the rationales were built on the returns of discontinuous innovation, on economic wealth, not cash, not late-phase monopolies.
Strategy as Tires: NIH, not invented here, has been replaced by IF, invention free, aka not even an innovation.
Strategy as Tires: We don’t confuse these manners. When you come to me with your own confusion, all it means is that you need to focus on the processes of your business or functional unit.
Strategy as Tires: Asking around will get you the answers of those in other business or functional units. They are somewhere else in the organizational structure and somewhere else in the market.
Strategy as Tires: Those answers from outside your phase, are not addressing the issues you will find in your phase. We harp about this because a wrong answered learned is hell to unlearn.
Strategy as Tires: If you want to be somewhere else in the organizational structure just ask, we will validate that request unambiguously, and we will make it happen a January or two down the road. We will not forget. You might.
19:57Strategy as Tires: You might come to love your phase.

April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020

Edited 6/6/2020 to convert content to tweets.

Strategy as Tires: Yesterday was a long day. It’s now about how long you are awake.
Strategy as Tires: We’re talking about how long the issue of the day decides to last.
Strategy as Tires: Yesterday was just a continuation of the day before. And, it kept me up all night, so it will linger into today.
Strategy as Tires: The long struggle wastes your energy. Did the long struggle change anything?

April 27, 2020

April 27, 2020

Edited 6/6/2020 to convert content to tweets.

Strategy as Tires: How long are our hold times? How much of that hold time is filled with ads? How repetitive is it?
Strategy as Tires: Does the person on hold for technical support hear the same ad like seventeen times? Are you assuming that they didn’t hear you the first time? Stop that.
Strategy as Tires: Stop all of that hold time torture. One person, one ad that they only hear once. That’s our reality by close of business today.

April 26, 2020

April 26, 2020

Edited on 5/31/2020 to bring back the content that was previously moved to 6/1/2020, to rewrite the former text as a series of tweets, and to add additional tweets.

Strategy as Tires: Every click is time stamped.
Strategy as Tires: Every click is IP address stamped.
Strategy as Tires: Every click can be GPS location stamped.
Strategy as Tires: Every click is made by a user’s machine.
Strategy as Tires:  Every click tells us about your successive approximations of your desired outcomes during use.
Strategy as Tires: Every click tells us about your yet. Maybe tomorrow after a good night’s sleep.
Strategy as Tires: Dreams don’t click while you are asleep. Unless you delegate your dreams?
Strategy as Tires: Every click traverses a Markov chain, or not.
Strategy as Tires: When a click does not traverse the Markov chain, the user, the programmers, the UX designer, the ethnographer, the technical writer, the trainer, and the marketers have made a mistake. It was a group project.

Strategy as Tires: Every click is a Poisson game. That click has an unknown number of players, but it is just one click.
Strategy as Tires: Every click that does not traverse the Markov chain is a Poisson game a well. It is followed by an unknown number of additional clicks attempting to correct that errant click.

April 25, 2020

April 25, 2020

Reformatted on 6/15/2020.

Strategy as Tires: So let’s see your learning journal. What were you reading about when you got your idea? Oh, a bolt from the blue? Well, that will score you a bolt from legal.
Strategy as Tires: Keeping a diary, and a bibliography. It would be easier if a robot could make notes. But, you would have to tell it what is off the record.

April 24, 2020

April 24, 2020

Reformatted and revised on 6/24/2020.

Strategy as Tires: You are a sample of one–very skewed, very kurtotic.
Strategy as Tires: Everything you do that isn’t someone else’s idea is done in hyperbolic space.
Strategy as Tires: You think in Euclidean space.
Strategy as Tires: The mismatch of doing in hyperbolic space, but thinking in Euclidean space looks like a surprise.
Strategy as Tires: Involving others can put you in spherical space. But, that might not surprise.

April 23, 2020

April 23, 2020

Edited and reformatted on 6/15/2020.

Strategy as Tires: So you made this decision right before lunch? A GIS analysis shows us that, right before lunch is not the best time to make decisions. Please make your decisions right after breakfast or after lunch.
Strategy as Tires: But, do you have this much trouble deciding what to eat? No. You thought about that all morning?

April 22, 2020

April 22, 2020

Edited and reformatted on 6/15/2020.

Strategy as Tires: I am sure that all of you find yourself looking for data that does not exist yet, and data that exists that is not accessible.
Strategy as Tires: Data that does not exist and data that exists but is inaccessible control the hypotheses that we cannot make or test. Those are hypotheses are about markets that we cannot serve.
Strategy as Tires: Those markets that we cannot serve leads to systems that we cannot build.
Strategy as Tires: We hired a Chief Missing Information Officer (CMIO) for those situations where the data does not exist or the data that exists but is inaccessible. So it is time to start reporting those situations to the CMIO.
Strategy as Tires: Don’t just throw up your hands when you are confronted with data that does not exist and data that exists but is inaccessible. Ask your reference librarian for help finding accessible data. And, request that marketing develop the data that does not exist yet.
Strategy as Tires: For that data that does not exist yet, tell us what you need and why you need it. Will small data be enough? Is knowing the orientation of the tails enough, or do we have to wait until normality is achieved?
Strategy as Tires: Can we assume until then, and how much will that cost us?
Strategy as Tires: ”Yet” is a very packed word. Wait. Exhale. premature data is as good as no data. Premature data might actually cost us more than no data.

April 21, 2020

April 21, 2020

Reformatted on 6/16/2020.

Strategy as Tires: Some decisions are wired ORs. Later, you find some parameterization, so you have to find your soldering iron and take those wired ORs out. Organizational structures are similar.
Strategy as Tires: No, soldering irons don’t work on people.