Archive for February, 2020

February 29, 2020

February 29, 2020

Reformatted on 6/26/2020.

Strategy as Tires: Well, yes, to all of our managers, I should have received your leap reports by now. They should be piled up on my desk. If you haven’t leaped at some point in the past year, why are you still here? Oh, that would have been a leap.

February 28, 2020

February 28, 2020

Reformatted on 6/26/2020.

Strategy as Tires: The first question, not the last, is about the existence of an s-curve that you can exploit. The clearest indication that you don’t have that is when you pitch management as an innovation.
Strategy as Tires: In the old days, management was management. But, these days everybody and everything has to be innovative, which results in no innovations at all.

Strategy as Tires: The VCs demand the orthodoxy. The VCs won’t take risks. The VCs blame the casinos. It’s all about cash. It’s never about economic wealth. So they will change the system again to avoid, like the last time they changed it, reality. Oh, well.
Strategy as Tires: Innovation was the confluence of invention and management. These days management has redefined innovation so that it no longer involves invention.
Strategy as Tires: Without invention or s-curves, our post-globalized economy will not recover. Management has decided that living in poverty, squalor, hopelessness, and despair is a worthy goal.

February 27, 2020

February 27, 2020

Reformatted on 6/26/2020.

Strategy as Tires: So the theory says that there is no s-curve. This from a domain that doesn’t do the math every day. This from a domain that doesn’t see itself as a domain.
Strategy as Tires: This from a domain that doesn’t see itself as innovating. That’s management.
Strategy as Tires: Every domain, has s-curves. Every domain innovates. Every domain has constraints. Every set of constraints changes as it migrates to a better s-curve, aka every set of constraints gets cheaper.
Strategy as Tires: Why has management become more expensive? Hell, we let management kill companies.
13:30Strategy as Tires: Many are in denial.

February 26, 2020

February 26, 2020

Reformatted on 6/27/2020.

Strategy as Tires: So you are in a hurry to get somewhere, but that slow leak in the right rear tire has left us with a flat. The spare is flat. And, the can of the flat fixer is empty. So we’ll call a taxi. The taxi will eventually show up.
Strategy as Tires: We’ve talked tactics. So where is your strategy?

February 25, 2020

February 25, 2020

Reformatted on 6/27/2020.

Strategy as Tires: Back in the day, if you created new economic wealth, you earned a premium on your IPO.
Strategy as Tires: But, since we don’t create economic wealth, something that is not cash, we no longer get premiums on our IPOs. No news there.
Strategy as Tires: But, SV wants to create its own financial market to change this. We, our companies, won’t go there.
Strategy as Tires: We make money the old fashioned way, we create economic wealth.

February 24, 2020

February 24, 2020

Reformatted on 6/27/2020.

Strategy as Tires: When you are walking around talking to yourself, realize you are not managing by walking around.
Strategy as Tires: You may be managing yourself, but you are not managing us. One does have something to do with the other, but what exactly? That remains to be heard out loud, face to face.
Strategy as Tires: When you are on a video camera, you are probably on a mike as well. So when you are walking around talking to yourself mind what you say.

February 23, 2020

February 23, 2020

Reformatted on 6/27/2020.

Strategy as Tires: Management by Walking Around has been misnamed. What we are actually doing is Management by Talking Around.
Strategy as Tires: When managing by walking around, you exit your door and enter the fray. Yeah, I know, you don’t have a door.
Strategy as Tires: When managing by walking around, you have your agenda, but everyone has their agendas. If you took a different route, you’d have different conversations. You’d meet different agendas.
Strategy as Tires: Once you get back to your office, after managing by walking around, you realize that the thing that motivated you to take that walk, never got its talk.

February 22, 2020

February 22, 2020

Reformatted on 6/30/2020.

Strategy as Tires: Is it a spiral? Yeah, it doesn’t look like a spiral. Did we flatten it before we looked at it?
Strategy as Tires: Is it a spiral? Did we think it was random? But, we still think of it as ordered. We still map order onto it. We still try to linearize it. Can it be mini-maxed?
Strategy as Tires: Are you sold on a particular view of it? Why?

February 21, 2020

February 21, 2020

Reformatted on 6/30/2020.

Strategy as Tires: Management by walking around has its problems. This place is constantly under construction. Some days you can’t get there from where you’re standing. You’ve got to get face-to-face.
Strategy as Tires: If all else fails call security. They always can get anywhere. They are already there. They have the keys. You don’t have those keys. They won’t give them to you or anyone else.

February 20, 2020

February 20, 2020

Reformatted on 6/30/2020.

Strategy as Tires: Your conference report tells us about the sessions you attended. It hints at you. It tells us what you found interesting.
Strategy as Tires: Your conference report doesn’t tell us why you found it interesting. Now, write that report.